Preparation before Ramadan Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem Try and - TopicsExpress


Preparation before Ramadan Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem Try and implement and share insha’Allah: 1) Make dua that you make it to Ramadan and that Allah makes this Ramadan the best Ramadan you have ever had bearing in mind it could be your last. Ask Allah that every moment in Ramadan is used to increase your relationship with Him and that He inclines you to deeds that are beloved to Him, and ask that he removes you away from what displeases and angers Him. Remember Ramadan isn’t just about food, focus on your relationship with Him the Almighty and taste emaan! 2) Qur’an (recite) – as Ramadan is the month of Qur’an, discipline yourself to recite a certain amount AT LEAST by every day. Not only recite, make sure to fit in reading over the translation of what your reading as this is what softens your heart. Qur’an (memorise) try to memorise as much surahs or verses from the Qur’an that affect your heart so that you can recite them in your salah and humble yourself before Him the Almighty. This increases ones khushu in salah and brings about Allah’s mercy especially when they are accompanied by tears. Memorise different surahs than your normal salah surahs so you are coming out of the habit of reciting like a parrot in salat with no khushu. A salah with no khushu reaps no benefit! 3) The night prayer – if you’re not waking up for the night prayer already, then practise now! You do not want to miss out the last portion of the night where Allah descends to the lowest of the heavens and enquires about those 1) who seek istigfaar, 2) those who need something 3) and those who wish to make taubah. I repeat, DO NOT MISS OUT THIS BLESSED MOMENT, every night make it a habit before Ramadan to wake up for the last portion of the night before suhoor. 4) Sort out any zakhat and sadaqah you need to give before Ramadan, don’t waste time from Ramadan to do this as you could be doing other ebaadah. Some sadaqah might not be planned and you may chose to give “out of the blue,” which is good, the more you give, the more you get! That is a promise of Allah 5) Don’t forget the Muslim prisoners, the Ummah that faces tyrannical rulers and much oppression, the ulemah imprisoned for the sake of Allah, the izzah of Muslims, our brothers, sisters, our children who are suffering because of our negligence in fulfilling our faraids; if you cannot help them physically, then at least, keep them constantly in your duah’s and never underestimate the power of dua, Remember you are invoking to Allah (swt) which nothing is impossible for Him to do. Remember this Ummah! Remember this Ummah! Remember this Ummah in this blessed month! 6) Try to feed as many Muslims as you can, whether it is by money, or food itself, when you give, it never decreases but increases. Try to always be the one who gives than the one who takes and see the blessing in your rizq insha’Allah 7) Attach your hearts to the masajids, keep in the company of those who bring you closer to Allah, and not of those who waste your precious time. For sisters, if you cannot be in this environment, then do not worry, know that it is more rewarding for you to stay at home, and do you ebaadah there, but please for the sake of Allah stay away from women who only harm you by wasting time on gossiping, backbiting, and spreading evil. 8) Try to do a few qiyam ul layl’s throughout Ramadan especially the last 10 days, we have short nights so insh’Allah it is easier. Use this time for ebaadah. 9) Nawafilah – after doing your faraid obligations, try to fit in at least a few extra nawafil salahs, reap as much blessings as you can in salah for if it was the coolness of Rasulullah’s (saw) eyes, then can you imagine what it can do for us? 10) Keep every moment in adkhar or duah, let there not be a moment of silence except that you are asking of Allah for something or seeking His forgiveness. Who knows when He will answer. 11) Tears – cry in regret of your sins, cry in abandoning Allah’s commandments, cry in negligence of good deeds, cry in fear of Allah’s wrath upon you, cry in fear of jahannam, cry for the state of this Ummah, cry out of the Love of Allah. Ya Muslimeen, crying is what attracts the mercy of Allah and a way of knowing whether your hearts is alive so cry your heart out in front of Allah (not others!) 12) Forgive those who have hurt you; it’s not easy but if you want Allah to forgive you, then be merciful unto others despite the difficulty. He (swt) loves those who are merciful to others. 13) Make duah for those around you- know that when you only make duah for yourself, you only have yourself to say “ameen” to it. But when you make duah for others there is an angel nearby saying “ameen” (so the duah is an accepted one) and also “may you have the same”, so tell me: which of Allah’s favours will you deny? Allahuakhbar! 14) For sisters who will be on their menses in Ramadan, worry not, there are many others things you can do for ebaadah except salat. i.e recite Qur’an from memory, do akdkar, feed others, teach your children deen etc. Use this time for not just eating but remember you are still Ramadan, make the most of every minute!!! These are just a few things of many, it may seem a lot, but when you know there is a heavy reward for it in the blessed month of Ramadan it should make you want to do even more. Know that Jannah is haqq, jahannam is haqq, and death is certain for you and i, we must strive and struggle for His sake, and do what we have the ability to do for we will be held accountable for every single action we do and not do. Know that we have a merciful Lord who only wants to benefit us, and shaytan who only was us to accompany him to the naar. Shaytan has no hope, but we do ya Muslimeen, so come back to the deen of Allah azzawajal and taste the Jannah in this world which is knowing Allah, fearing Him, loving Him, and having tawaqqal in Him azzawajal. May Allah bless us in this Ramadan and forgive us of our shortcomings, ameen!
Posted on: Sun, 23 Jun 2013 11:35:28 +0000

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