***President Koromas Government Is Falling Apart - TopicsExpress


***President Koromas Government Is Falling Apart Disgracefully*** One of the greatest quotes of recent years can be discovered in the boxing movie Rocky Balboa. During a scene when Sylvester Stallones fabled character is talking to his son about a job he is unhappy in, Balbao suggests that attitude to life tells you everything you need to know about a man. Let me tell you something you already know, says Rocky. The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. It’s a very mean and nasty place, and I don’t care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain’t about how hard you hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward; how much you can take and keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done. Or not as the case may be when you think of the Sierra Leone President, Ernest Bai Koroma. As the speech in Rocky Balboa tells us, difficult times reveal true strength of spirit, resolve and character, and a willingness to keep going in times of adversity. After 7yrs of this Blood Red APC government, our land drenched in Ebolas misery, are we better off? Does anyone seriously believe in this governments ability to move our nation forward? Isnt it obvious that we have a totally dysfunctional government and broken society? According to ITVs Dan Rivers, this is a rare public appearance by the president who has shunned the limelight since his country has been plunged into the chaos of the world’s worst Ebola epidemic. He defended his perceived slow reaction to Ebola, saying: The outbreak was announced in May and it was new to all of us … we’re not alone in the fight, we had WHO who were principally advising us on how to act, and every step of the way, I believe we have reacted appropriately. – SIERRA LEONE PRESIDENT, DR. ERNEST BAI KOROMA His critics say he took five weeks to say anything publicly about Ebola, and it took 15 weeks to declare a national emergency. Our leaders (the President and his government), were elected and paid to do a job. Have we received value for our money from their endeavours? Is this really the best we can do? Is this what we deserve? God help us oh! INCOMPETENCE IS BAD FOR OUR HEALTH. ......... For our international communities, this is what the sycophants of President Koromas government told us: They told us all the roads were paved and there were shiny new buildings everywhere. ( Have you seen any?) They told us that President Koroma was “WORLDS BEST” leader. (Have you seen any leadership qualities in him?) They told us foreign investment was at record levels. ( Does that reflect the reality on the ground?) They told us that we were going to have a first class healthcare system. (Lol I guess you know the answer to that). You found to your cost that there were no ambulances in the country. The health centres were not accessible or there were none. They said Sierra Leone was on the move………… They are right!! Hmmmm……. I guess they forgot to tell us that Sierra Leone was on the move to becoming a personal mafia fiefdom for the Blood red Ernest Koroma political machine. They kept us in the dark (no electricity)!!!!!!!! They kept us thirsty (no running water)!!!!!!!! They treated us with total disdain (no food, no jobs, poor education and no justice)!!! And now, under President Koroma’s Blood Red Sky, Ebola destroys our lives because they were too slow to act decisively, due to their incompetence and arrogance. President Koroma, what a terrible legacy you bequeath to our nation— when you came, our land was green and filled with hope. And now, all we see is the bloody Red reminder of Ebola’s menace. WE WILL NEVER FORGET WHAT YOU HAVE DONE TO OUR BELOVED NATION Blamas Finest, The Man Who Conjures Something Out Of Nothing!!!
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 10:32:24 +0000

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