President Museveni attends Kutesa thanksgiving ceremony; - TopicsExpress


President Museveni attends Kutesa thanksgiving ceremony; attributes peace, stability for Uganda support at UN President Yoweri Museveni has attributed the dividend of peace and stability that reigns in the country to the unanimous support that Uganda and her Foreign Affairs Minister, Sam Kutesa, received from all African countries and the United Nations member states. He said this has translated into Mr. Kutesas taking on the Presidency of the UN General Assembly. He also said other factors that gave Uganda support include the economic progress the country has registered, her contribution to regional peace and stability and the excellent relationship and good name the country has cultivated under the National Resistance Movement Government. Speaking at the thanksgiving service that was organized by Mr. Sam Kutesa to thank God upon his election as the 70th President of the United Nations General Assembly, the President said that Uganda has not only made great progress as a country but has contributed a lot regionally and internationally. He said that this is one of the reasons that Ugandans receive support whenever they are presented for leadership positions at regional and international levels. President Museveni used the occasion that took place today at Ssembabule district headquarters to congratulate Hon.Kutesa upon his ascendance to his new position. He thanked the African countries and the United Nations member states for supporting Ugandas candidacy which, he noted, made the country proud. President Museveni said that Mr. Kutesa got the support to take on the UN General Assembly Presidency because he has been hard-working and active in regional and international affairs since assuming the post of Foreign Affairs Minister. Hon. Kutesa becomes the 12th United Nations General Assembly President from Africa since the UN was founded. Hon. Kutesa has been a very active Foreign Affairs Minister in regional and international affairs; the reason he was easy to market for that post even among his fellow Foreign Ministers in Africa and other continents, he said. The President commended the people of Sembabule for the support to the National Resistance Movement over a period of time. He said that this has enabled the government to work and develop the district in particular and the country as a whole. He, however, noted that whereas government continues to play its part by availing the needed development infrastructure, the people need to engage in production to overcome household poverty through sustainable production. He said that government has restructured NAADS and put all resources that had been earmarked for that programme to availing high quality seedlings and breeding stock. He also urged the population to safeguard themselves against the HIV/AIDS scourge which, he said, has no known cure and hurts peoples lives and their productivity. On his part, Mr. Sam Kuteesa commended President Museveni for proposing and nominating him for election as the United Nations General Assembly President saying without President Museveni nominating him, he would not have been elected to the post. He also thanked the President for appointing him to the Foreign Affairs docket saying that this exposed him to the work in diplomacy and the United Nations thereby setting a stage for him to be elevated to the UN General Assembly Presidency. He also said that by appointing him to Ministerial position the President had given him an opportunity to serve his country. Mr. Kutesa also thanked the African countries and other United Nations member states for embracing his candidature and pledged to serve to their expectations. He said that he will dedicate his tenure at the UN in New York, to working towards the fight against hunger and poverty in the world, global warming as well as gender equality and specifically the plight of women. He said that women make 52 percent of the worlds total population and said that to effect the development of the world women have to be brought on board. He also pledged to fight for permanent representation of the African continent on the UN Security Council. ICT Minister, Mr. John Nasasira, on behalf of Cabinet Ministers, said that he had known Mr. Kuteesa for the last 47 years, as a hard-working person and an achiever. He said he was sure that Mr. Kuteesa will not let Uganda or the world down adding that he was set to succeed in his new assignment.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 05:00:34 +0000

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