President Obama caved to the Cuban dictatorship today. He did - TopicsExpress


President Obama caved to the Cuban dictatorship today. He did it willingly, happily in fact- without cause or rationale beyond his ideology and narcissism. This is a slap in the face to Cubans who fled to U.S. soil, and a nod to those still imprisoned on Castros decaying island that says enjoy your time on the penal colony. The government of Cuba does not deserve normalized relations. Not even close. Cuba is a terrorist state that conducts appalling human rights abuses as a matter of policy and has a long history of working against America in a covert war of espionage and subversion. Name a government based on oppression, fear, and violence anywhere in the world- and you have named an ally of the Cuban regime. The Castro tyrants and their pathetic police state have held the Cuban people captive for over 50 years. Now, finally, when they had nowhere to turn, their revolution has been pulled out of the trash heap and handed a great victory. For what? They had absolutely no leverage against the United States, and few patrons left. Venezuela had been providing the Cubans a financial lifeline in recent years, but that was drying up, as yet another group of socialist clowns in Caracas destroyed an economy and impoverished a people. The Cuban regime was on the ropes, after decades of defiance and open hostility against America. And despite all that, now Obama decides to make nice, set up an Embassy, let the past be the past. Maybe he will invite Castro to stay in the Lincoln bedroom. I put nothing past this White House. What did we get in exchange for this? What concessions, what irreversible promises did the Obama administration receive for this enormous extension of US legitimacy and financial relief to the Cuban regime? Nothing. Nada. Zilch. Zero. It is not enough to say the Obama administration is amateurish on foreign policy. Amateurs get lucky, and occasionally manage to do the right thing. Obama picks the wrong option and damages our interests so consistently, it has to be deliberate. The one consistency he has shown on foreign policy is that he is consistently, terribly, wrong. Cuba is yet another example. More on Cuba, and Russia, below-
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 04:50:51 +0000

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