President Obama may need to get his laser repaired…Four and a - TopicsExpress


President Obama may need to get his laser repaired…Four and a half years ago, Barack Obama came into office promising to focus on the economy like a laser. So naturally, his first order of business was…Obamacare. That hasn’t exactly helped the economy. But that’s okay: he quickly refocused like a laser on the economy. But other, more urgent things just kept popping up: climate change, immigration reform, Voter ID laws, reelection, gun control, Trayvon Martin – not to mention all the distractions he DIDN’T want to talk about: Fast & Furious, the NSA, the IRS, Benghazi… While he’s refocused more times than Mister Magoo, unemployment’s been stuck at or above 7.5 percent for a record 54 months, with unprecedented numbers of Americans relying on part time jobs and food stamps. So this week, Obama is once again hitting the campaign trail to refocus like an annoyingly blinky laser beam on the economy. Oh, and on selling Obamacare. Unless something more urgent comes up. After all, that new royal baby’s not gonna greet itself. For more of the Huckabee Report visit MikeHuckabee.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Jul 2013 11:30:00 +0000

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