President Reagan, best pitchman ever, brought an economic argument - TopicsExpress


President Reagan, best pitchman ever, brought an economic argument to the Evil Empire:) sold them on a reality that America was growing at a rate accelerating away from the communist rate. The “You’re Missing It”, campaign to the Soviets, with an image of America for all to see:) movies of reality. Brilliant success:) they believed and collapsed. However:( as always there is some stupid little detail that nobody thought out:) America believed it too. From the moment of the Evil Empire collapsing America has been borrowing the difference between the reality of growth and the image created for the commie scourge. It got bad:( something had to be done to wake America:) alas the psyche collapse with the Twin Towers on TV did the trick. But again who could have predicted that oil would spike and people would stop driving to the Mall, and mortgages that were globally derived would collapse, and take out the world stock markets with all the Boomer generation savings:) pooof gone. Okay that was not a go:) borrow from the Future to inflate the markets. Okay now that the world markets are in equilibrium:) there is no model to stop the solution. As always who could of imagined a state outside of all economic theory:) usually it takes a generation of doctoral study for new ideas, say May 2015? Now:) September 2013 the Senate asks all innocent people to move away from Mount Mezzeh. To a distance of not less than 600 miles. Radiation suits at the check-points to freedom. 30 days of life for the Bashar al’A-ssad system. Then sent to Hell, she said, leaving no history.
Posted on: Thu, 05 Sep 2013 01:27:41 +0000

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