President al-Assad expresses Syrias solidarity with Russian - TopicsExpress


President al-Assad expresses Syrias solidarity with Russian efforts to restore security and stability to friendly Ukraine Mar 06, 2014 Damascus, (SANA) President Bashar al-Assad sent Thursday a cable to President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, expressing on his behalf and on behalf of the Syrian people, Syrias solidarity with President Putins efforts to restore security and stability to the friendly country of Ukraine in face of the coup attempts against legitimacy and democracy, in favor of the terrorist extremists, through President Putins wise policy and commitment to the international legitimacy and legal rules that govern relations among countries and peoples. President al-Assad stressed that President Putins policy which is based on the international legitimacy and the objectives of the UN remain the guarantee for all world peoples to create a balanced and transparent world based on respecting the sovereignty of countries and the right of peoples to decide their destiny. President al-Assad reiterated Syrias support to President Putins rational approach which favors peace and seeks to establish a global system that supports stability and combats extremism and terrorism, expressing confidence in President Putins capability to contribute to restoring legitimacy and calm to Ukraine and to help the Ukrainian people end extremism and terrorism in their country. President al-Assad considered the stances of the Russian leadership towards supporting the right and truth as contributing to making the future which is aspired for by the peoples and saving the world from dangerous turnings facing countries and their peoples. Earlier, President Putin stressed at a press conference that what happened in Ukraine violates the constitution and it is a coup and seizure of power by the forces of arms, considering the current Ukrainian authorities as illegitimate. Putin stressed that Russia maintains its legitimate right to use all means possible to defend the Ukrainians in case chaos spread as in Kiev and the eastern region of Ukraine, pointing out to the necessity of ensuring the right of the Ukrainians to decide their citizens themselves through equivalent participation in any region of the country. F.Allafi
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 13:55:40 +0000

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