Press statement from the Scottish Trade Unionist and Socialist - TopicsExpress


Press statement from the Scottish Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition Murphy’s election ends last hopes of reclaiming Labour for trade union and socialist principles Time for the trade unions to build a new political alternative The election of Jim Murphy to the position of leader of the Scottish Labour party is a devastating blow to those members, and particularly the affiliated trade unionists, who had backed Neil Findlay hoping to turn Labour to the left. The results of the election shows the gulf that has opened up between the trade unions on the one hand and the majority of the elected MPs, MSPs and councillors who dominate the party. Almost 70% of the elected Labour politicians backed Murphy, whereas well over half of the trade union members who voted backed Findlay. The Scottish Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition believes that Murphy’s election will lead to an exodus of supporters from an already beleaguered party facing collapsing support after the independence referendum. It will also further weaken public support for the Labour Party in Scotland. Murphy is well known as an arch Blairite, a supporter of the Iraq war, an advocate of a new generation of Trident and who backs further austerity cuts. There is now clearly no possibility, faint as they were, of Labour moving to the left. Far less of advocating fighting socialist and anti-austerity policies. This comes on the back of Ed Miliband’s speech on Thursday that committed a Labour government to continue spending cuts throughout the whole of their five year term of office. The need for the Labour affiliated trade unions in Scotland to adopt a new political strategy is now acute. TUSC is appealing to affiliated unions to urgently consider calling emergency conferences to discuss a new political strategy. The need for a new trade union, working class party in Scotland is clear. Such a party could unite all who support the basic principles of the trade union movement; an end to austerity, public ownership, the abolition of anti-trade union laws and a living wage for all workers etc. While this is being discussed, we appeal to trade unionists - and Labour party members - who see the need for a fighting anti-cuts and socialist alternative to join with TUSC and help us build that alternative for the general election in May 2015. With the SNP continuing to implement Con-Dem austerity in Scotland, despite the tens of thousands who joined the party seeking an alternative, its clear that a political challenge to all the parties of cuts in Scotland is needed. TUSC is planning to stand in 100 seats in the general election in May in England, Scotland and Wales in the biggest left of Labour challenge in over 60 years. TUSC was launched in 2010 by Bob Crow and is now supported by the RMT trade union as well as leading trade unionists from Unison, PCS, EIS etc. Socialist Party Scotland and the Socialist Workers Party also play a leading role in TUSC. For more info call 07889135533
Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 11:13:36 +0000

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