Pretty spot on for San Francisco & the east bay right now. The - TopicsExpress


Pretty spot on for San Francisco & the east bay right now. The inherent fault in the system we all adhere to is that money creates inequality. If you desire true equality, you must adopt a new system. The best part is at the end when the wonderbread techboy turns to the guy filming and says in addition to the filming be awkward (what, you dont like to be filmed while kicking kids off a soccer field?) is that were part of the community. No bro, youre not part of the community. You desire to live above & outside the true community. You come into cities and unapologetically re-face the city that you so openly claim to love. And to those that cant keep up with your gentrified pay-grade? Well, they can move of course. This community that you speak to being a part of is made up of musicians, artist, service-workers, laborers, endless supply of people that spans ethnicities and age groups, but typically has one thing in common...barely making ends meet while working an increasing number of hours year after year. Also, ever notice how fast those in power are to agree to a compromise, such as when the guy with the paper isnt here yet, so sure, we can all get along & play together...then only moments later when the paperboy shows up, its back to get off the field, its ours. So please, take a moment before so boldly declaring yourself a part of the community to actually look around and see the negative affects your actions are having on the community. You might just have learned something invaluable about community had to joined in the pickup game with the people that were there playing already. Sad that you missed that obvious opportunity.
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 00:08:06 +0000

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