Pride and Family Re-posting from the timeline post of - TopicsExpress


Pride and Family Re-posting from the timeline post of #HemaNaik A Saraswat Pride(?): It is long back in 1975 when my angry conservative father shouted and asked me to leave the House and also denied ‘Yezmanponn’ of my marriage. I was marrying the person from other caste. So I left the house and Registered the marriage. I belonged to the Shenvi Dhumatkar family, one of the most respected Saraswat families among early settlers. Only my mother stood by me, the lady dint believed in caste, but her views hardly mattered in a feudal and male chauvinist family. My education and later my writing gave me wide recognition and not my caste. So our veteran journalist #Rajdeep #Sardesai is free to build his caste pride by distorting history, but never lecture anyone that Saraswats was a progressive community.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 04:23:20 +0000

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