Prison for Climate Deniers!!!!!!!! You may have never heard of - TopicsExpress


Prison for Climate Deniers!!!!!!!! You may have never heard of Lawrence Torcello, but he wants to put you in prison. Torcello is an assistant philosophy professor at Rochester Institute of Technology, and he wrote recently that the well documented funding of global warming denialism is not only wrong but ought to be considered criminally negligent. He complains that climate denial remains a serious deterrent against meaningful political action in the very countries most responsible for the crisis. And his solution is, The charge of criminal and moral negligence ought to extend to all activities of the climate deniers who receive funding as part of a sustained campaign to undermine the publics understanding of scientific consensus. And here we thought science was forming and testing hypotheses, not burning heretics at the stake. Now who can deny there is such a thing as climate change? Obviously it has existed since the dawn of the planet. It was climate change that formed the Floridian Aquifer which are the Florida caves I love to dive in. Well before man arrived on the scene. But this liberal asshole wants to put you in prison if you dont agree with their enviro-wacko leftist make you pay vision of climate change (It isnt global warming anymore since it really isnt getting warmer and hasnt been for a good many years). These guys just dont know when to quit. And this is a great example of why liberals and their sick ilk suck. If you dont believe in their fascist ideology they want to destroy you and lock you up. So much for the so called tolerant liberal who wants civil discourse and harmony. Ya right. I believe the planet has been evolving well before the dawn of man. This climate crap the left constantly spews e.g. Al Gore- is so lacking in scientific proof and backing that they have to keep repeating the lies in hope of scaring the low information voters into going along with their follow the money phony scheme that man caused it. Hey Lawrence! I deny your idiot unsubstantiated brand of B.S. so come and get me you liberal charlatan. You better bring your lefty commie friends you turd.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 21:30:59 +0000

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