Prison for cruelty to a dog The decision of a Madrid court give a - TopicsExpress


Prison for cruelty to a dog The decision of a Madrid court give a custodial sentence to a man who caused his dog’s death by kicking it has been hailed as a giant step for human rights in Spain. It is believed to be the first time that criminal proceedings have been opened in the country for animal abuse. As we reported two weeks ago, the case goes back to June 2008 when the owner woke up to find that the six-month-old puppy called Chula had defecated inside the house he shared with his girlfriend. She admitted that he then attacked the dog. Later, when she realised the animal was unwell, she and her mother took it to a vet who stablised the dog, and transferred them to another practice with better facilities. However, Chula died shortly afterwards, having suffered a ruptured liver. The two vets then reported the incident and animal protection agency El Refugio took Chula’s owner to court on Wednesday where he admitted attacking the dog. He was found guilty and handed a three month custodial sentence, as well as being banned from carrying out “any trade or profession related to the care, custody or trade of domestic animals for the period of two years.” El Refugio said the sentence was, “a giant step for the defence of animal rights in Spain,” but added that the law under which the prosecution was brought has changed, and if he had been judged under the current law the sentence would have been even longer.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Jun 2013 07:43:20 +0000

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