Privilege by birth - A Must Read.... The girls wore printed - TopicsExpress


Privilege by birth - A Must Read.... The girls wore printed gowns, and skirts and blouses of all shades and colours, some of which matched with their rubber slippers. One or two were pregnant; another one or two had babies. There was no illusion about their humble backgrounds – after all – they live in Makoko – that part of Yaba known for ungainly environment and stilted houses suspended over the Lagos lagoon. Some of them had dropped out of school; others hardly attended. With no education, limited financial support from their parents, and no huge funds in the bank, they are vulnerable. That is why the vocational training offered by an NGO with the support of the Lagos State government means a great deal to them and their families. As I sat watching them, I tried to imagine them in a different setting – as children born into privileged homes. I took particular interest in one tall lanky girl, who had the Koroba hairstyle on. If she had a banker mother and a geoscientist father working in an oil firm, she would have been enrolled in one of the exclusive private schools in Lagos. She would have been chauffeured to and from school, gotten shopping sprees as birthday gifts, or even spent her holidays abroad. She would not have to paddle canoes between stilted huts or lived with the awful smell that pervades her community because the lagoon serves as dump for poo, pee and other waste. The scenario took my mind back to another environment, the Greensprings School, Lekki, where pupils are taught in a very comfortable environment. While touring the facility, we visited the hostels reserved for International Baccalaureate students. Each of the rooms, designed to house one or two people, had an adjoining toilet and bathroom. It was accommodation that would cost at least N6,000 per night in some states across the country. Pupils that attend this school are definitely born to parents who can pay the six-figure fees each term. The school boasts of excellent sports facilities – swimming pools, multipurpose courts for basketball, volleyball and handball, a football pitch, among others. However, I remember clearly that the Deputy Head of School, Ms Dolapo Fatoki, mentioned that the pupils are always reminded that they are privileged to have the kind of lives they live – one full of comfort and luxury. Juxtaposed next to their peers in Makoko, their lives are indeed one that came, not because they deserve it but because of privilege. Like the bible says in Ecclesiastes that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, riches to the men of understanding, and favour to the men of skill, those forced to live in Makoko are not there because they are lazy or lack the desire to enjoy the good things of life. But as the holy book explains, ‘time and chance’ happens to them all. It is of great importance that parents who can afford the good things of life remember this and pass on the lesson to their wards. They should teach them not to look down on the less privileged but learn to share from their abundance with those that have little to live on.
Posted on: Fri, 20 Jun 2014 09:27:31 +0000

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