Project: Ghost in the Minority Report - a fast enough tool, for a - TopicsExpress


Project: Ghost in the Minority Report - a fast enough tool, for a fast enough mind. #mind #brain #learning #function #neurotypical #neurodiverse #dyslexia #dyspraxia #ADHD #ADD #workingmemory #difficulty #disability #acceptance #change #neurodevelopment #patience #hope #scope #capacity #faculty #OCD #mindmap #technology #3D #hologram #internalcultivation #mindcultivation #medicine Imagine this analogy: One knows how to drive on a motorway, the driver knows how to handle driving on the fast lane. The standard is driving at 70mph, but most will exceed, will test this. Most cars are designed to exceed this. Every time, an attempt is made to push the performance or catch up with those speeding along, its maintained for a while, then the engine chuckles and splutters and ones reduced to the slow lane to cool down. This was a continuous process for me. Any one who reads these posts or who have been around me, doesnt doubt my level of cognition. In discussing with a friend on the spectrum, as well, knowing the difference between learning difficulty and disability. Anyone who had to learn calculus would have difficulty. But, to always break down whenever theres an attempt to persevere is like a disability. Up until recently, it has been a disability. My friend is totally correct in saying that its a difficultly, cos all difficult can be surmounted..... IF ONE HAS BEEN SHOWN THE TOOLS AND/OR LEARN THEM. This is what Ive learnt, gained and will further continue to endeavour my understanding, and to share with others. What has helped: - meditation: calming type, also the insight type, the single-pointedness type; - Yin Style Baguazhang: a full mind-body, neuro-development system, one which this world is unaware, ignorant of, with both its internal cultivation and healing techniques; - Just the process of being at uni, with that intensity of study has engrained, has helped reflection, cognition, organising etc etc, plus the tutorials. But I needed to get to the root of things: - pre & post Heaven - pre and post natal development: as Ive expressed, I can foresee the similarities of Daoyin/qigong and Yoga techniques. One thing I foresaw, and was engrained by the tutelage of the ex-sensei was patience. Just like how I need to be patient with my martial development, I knew so with my interest and knowledge-seeking. I have some phat chunky books waiting on my shelf. I just knew I didnt have the tools, learning skills to learn it efficiently. We need to understand, telling on some one on the spectrum to try hard, is like telling Schumacher to drive faster than the car can handle - most people on the learning difficulty spectrum ARE TRYING HARD. Its why we burn out and a whole array of emotional factors manifest. Alora! Now that Im on the other side, found a solution, working on the development process, Ive foresee how to utilise technology (check in comments belows): - mind map tools: uni recommended study skills books all express how the brain works in non-linear fashion. Some of these program utilise this capacity. It would seem the better one is The Brain software and its unlimited mapping and association -linking capacity; - touch screen: I saw in a video, how Buzans program could touch a projected screen; - 3D is how our minds truly are, like the universe we live in. I am, and some of us, are in the field of medicine, health and healing. Our skill and knowledge can be the defining difference between life or continuous illness, perhaps worst. This aint a joke.....seriously. Our astuteness is required, constantly - a life long commitment. I can only speak for myself and endeavours: - I need a fast enough tool, cos my mind works so vast, links and associates so much, to organise and project these thoughts in a visual way to reflect and deduce the knowledge I research through; - Im thinking Minority Report style, 3D, but the best bit, hologram and utilising my full body to handle the info. Watch this space as they same! And, Im so not in a rush: - internal cultivation first, - nuturing of the mind first, - I foresee the exponential learning curve will be hit: practice, practice, practice - the brain is so plastic. Mr Robert Anton Wilson has inspired, not forgetting da Bew......da 😉✌ What is the true nature of the self!?!
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 07:35:49 +0000

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