Projection, the projecting of ones own motives, beliefs and - TopicsExpress


Projection, the projecting of ones own motives, beliefs and feelings onto others, is not only done by people with negative motives, agendas, and outlooks, but also by those with positive motives, compassion, and ethics. We tend to project our own motives, beliefs, perceptions and feelings onto others whether were Narcissistic or empathetic. Both Narcissists and non-Narcissists tend to project their own values and perceptions onto others. This is one of the traps that people can fall into. Sometimes the trap is purposely set by a predator or con-artist; they are EXPECTING a person to trust them, and to assume theyre trustworthy, caring, or know what theyre doing. Theyre expecting the target to project their own values and ethics onto them. But other times, a person can fall into this trap all by themselves, assuming that another person is going to have the same values or at least similar ethics as themselves, without taking the time or making an effort to actually find out, to get to know the person themselves. They look like or seem like a good person, or like they know what theyre doing, so we just let them in, we trust them. For no real reason other than our own snap judgment. It seems like its a different behavior than when Narcissists make negative snap judgments about others, but its not really that different, its still a snap judgment based on superficials. (Healing boundaries can help a great deal with this.)
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 16:21:27 +0000

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