|| Prologue for my book. (It sucks, but oh well.Its for everyone - TopicsExpress


|| Prologue for my book. (It sucks, but oh well.Its for everyone to read!) Montair. A rich and populated city known for its charming structure and livelihood. The place boasted with glory and triumph after becoming victorious in a war that lasted months. King Sourkon, the king of Montair was known for his strong will and sheer dedication in protecting the city he ruled. Especially from the likes of Gonrad, the leader of Helum. Helum was a dark and gloomy city, sitting on the outskirts of the five kingdoms. They were the usual rivals of Montair, who were obviously much more stronger. However, Gonrad was a very manipulative person with a hint of cowardice, and was known for slaying anyone that was to cross him. A tyrant with everything to lose. Thick boots treaded along the sandy ground as a hooded figure sprinted through the worn out streets of Montair. It was the day of the hunt, where all the men in the city would travel to the forest and hunt down threatening beasts for three days. This left the women and children at home and for the Queen to be in charge of the city whilst the King and his men were away. Entering a dull, sullen house, the figure quickly closed the door behind themselves before taking off their hood to reveal a young and beautiful girl with short, black hair and icy blue eyes. Her face radiated with beauty which could only be compared to the many Kings and Queens of Montair in the past. Sighing to herself, she placed the small black bag in her hands down on the table before looking up to see a woman standing in front of her. “Cassandra. I’m surprised you came.” The woman gleamed. Her blonde wavy hair never went unnoticed and the red lipstick she wore looked even more powerful than a gallon of blood. She had a young face, but her hands said otherwise as they were covered with wrinkles which could reveal her true age, which happened to be very long. Of course this was because the woman was a witch, and was able to make herself look younger. However, magic always had a set-back. And in this case, her hands and feet could give away her true nature. “I wouldn’t miss this day for the world.” The girl called Cassandra grinned as she leaned forward, pressing her lips against the older woman’s. The woman, seemingly pleased, kissed back passionately before pulling away, cupping the girl’s face in her wrinkly hands. “Happy anniversary.” The witch beamed, reaching over to grab the black bag. She opened the bag and her eyes widened as she marvelled the item in front of her. Mistletoe. One of the most powerful ingredients needed for powerful spells. Looking back at Cassandra with disbelief written across her face, she tied up the black bag again, tossing it to the side. “You truly are amazing, Cassandra.” She spoke out softly before kissing the girl again. Cassandra kissed back, brushing the witch’ cheek softly before sliding her other hand down the woman’s lower back. The blue-eyed female slowly reached into the woman’s back pocket and took out some small item. The item was basically a stone, carved to look like a fox which symbolised survival and bravery. But it was also worth a lot of gold coins, something that Cassandra needed. Suddenly, the woman broke away from the embrace and leaned back casually, a small smirk on her lips. “Why is it that for the month we have been together, you never kiss with passion?” She asked curiously, her voice holding hints of danger. Cassandra furrowed her eyebrows to look sort of confused. “What are you talking about? I- I do kiss with passion.” She replied unconvincingly. “Lies!” The witch snapped, snatching the stone off the girl. She looked at the stone, then back into Cassandra’s blue eyes. Enchanting a few words that didn’t make sense to the teenager, Cassandra’s eyes only widened once she found herself shrinking. “You have taken the shape of an animal that you resemble. Sly, manipulative, cunning.” The old witch spoke out, looking down at the female fox that had replaced Cassandra. The fox’s eyes only widened as it looked around for any chances of escaping. It then looked back up at the witch when she began to speak again, this time in a demanding tone. “There is only one way for you to become human again. And that way is for the Stormer to look into your eyes and see your true nature. Only then, shall you turn back. But the Stormer won’t be here for another 200 years!” She cackled. Now was the time for the fox to escape. Looking around once more, the fox tensed its muscles before it pushed off with all the power it could harness. It leapt out of the window in a last minute chance of survival without looking back at the witch whom had disappeared into thin air. Some would say that Stormers were only a myth. A person with unimaginable power and the strength of forty men. If only they knew the truth. The kingdom would always plunge into darkness. Through deception and manipulation, Gonrad’s great- grandson had taken over the throne of Montair. The city still looked rich and populated from the outside, but the inside was Hell itself. Only the Stormer, and the rightful heir to the throne could save the city that was once known for its beauty and treasure. Sadly enough, the citizens of Montair had to wait 200 years for everything to change.
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 04:18:59 +0000

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