Promoting peace through pageantry – Amafibe Mr. Kingsley Amafibe - TopicsExpress


Promoting peace through pageantry – Amafibe Mr. Kingsley Amafibe is the President/C.E.O of Ambassador Agency Peace, organisers of the Miss Ambassador for Peace Beauty Pageant Nigeria and publisher of Alpha Plus magazine. In this interview with EMMANUEL EKO, he speaks on how beauty pageantry can be used as tool in restoring peace in the country. What is Miss Ambassador for Peace all about and for how long has it been into existence now? Miss Ambassador for peace agency started in 2010 when the dream came up, it was based on the restiveness in the country and we thought we could use the pageantry aspect to promote peace. So, that is the birth of it, it is just basically to empower our young women and then contributing our quota in various areas like peace education, public campaign and wellness. What does beauty really mean to you? Well, to me I don’t see beauty like the way most people will say “the facial beauty”. Like the saying goes “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder”. “I see beauty as you being intelligent, bold, exposed, and added to the final word “beauty”. That is how I see beauty. Our pageant doesn’t really comprise of one being beautiful, it goes beyond just that. First and foremost, one has to be intelligent, exposed, beautiful and also have the charismatic ability to carry oneself and represent the brand “Peace Ambassador Agency”. As President/C.E.O of Miss Ambassador for Peace Pageant Nigeria,what are your set goals, dreams, aspirations and vision for this movement? So far so good, we have been able to reach out to various states in order to contribute our own quota. Some Kaduna Bomb blast victims were visited and also some schools in and around the North were not left out. We were able to distribute some gift items; medical aids were given to them, distribution of school writing materials. How does your organization source its funds? Well, God Almighty has been on our side ever since this project began, all funds spent, were from our own pockets and so by God’s grace funding has never been of any challenge to us. Companies like Indomie, Bournvita and whole lots of other private companies have agreed to partner with us and give us their full support and we say a huge thank you. What has been your continued motivation as President/C.E.O of Miss Ambassador for Peace Pageant Nigeria? God has been my motivation, one thing that keeps my motivation alive is strongly holding on to Almighty God, in believing his promises I bet you the sky will surely be your starting point. Where do you see yourself in the nearest future? I see myself transforming not just Nigeria but the entire world via promoting peace through beauty. And for the attainment of this vision, we are calling on private sectors, governmental organizations to also join hands in the support of this great project that is aimed at promoting peace, tourism and creativity to empower our youths of today.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Jun 2013 20:37:10 +0000

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