Proof I am old school....And My cat is a fascist.....Bob went to - TopicsExpress


Proof I am old school....And My cat is a fascist.....Bob went to Wal Mart today and as usual came home with a hodgepodge of items. He bought several cans of cat food, and a few cans of tuna in olive oil, which is one of his favorite snacks, much healthier than potato chips....These cans are similar in size... Later, he opens a can of tuna to eat while watching TV, and I shout, Pat Schroeder said you seniors shouldnt have to eat cat food! Bob said, this is tuna, and at that same moment Boo Boo the cat jumped on the couch with Bob and demanded some tuna. (Boo Boo does not get people food.) I understand you do not get the joke here, so let me explain. Rep. Pat Schroeder, God rest her atheist soul, was a communist. While Schroeder is remembered for the fact actor John Wayne once offered her a cigarette lighter that said F**K COMMUNISM, she is probably most famously known for the following, being an idiot. I took this quote from Wikipedia, but its true; During the 1995 budget debates, after Democrats claimed that Social Security payments would leave seniors with no choice but to eat dog food, Rush Limbaugh humorously claimed that he was going to get his mother a can opener. Apparently unaware of the context, Schroeder rushed to the floor of the House to denounce Limbaugh, subsequently exposing her to much ridicule from late night comedians. Dog food, cat food, what is the difference? It was the whole scare old people thing Democrats have done for 40 years. If Republicans have their way, you old folks will have to live in a dark alley, in a sewer of piss freezing to death, and eat dog/cat food because you cant afford a can of soup or tuna which basically costs the same.....It was an absurd argument Democrats made then, it is just as absurd today. But it works so they stick with it. Now, when we got our cat Boo Boo several years ago from the Milwaukee Rescue shelter, I told Bob that this cat was already trained on eating dry food, and we shouldnt spoil it because that makes a cat kind of nutty. Well, as time has gone on, Bob has spoiled our child, I mean the cat Boo Boo, and every morning she expects her canned food breakfast. Boo Boo is loud and clear about this morning meal. I told Bob, You created this monster, she made the trains run on time, you feed her. I hope you get my Mussolini joke there, and understand how the two things fit together, if not, I am not going to explain that one like I did the Schroeder joke. If you dont get it, by this point, youre probably lost anyway. You know what they say, If a comedian has to explain their jokes, they are not a comedian. I have never claimed to be a comedian.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 06:53:08 +0000

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