Propagandist Induced Normalcy Bias Harriet Tubman was once - TopicsExpress


Propagandist Induced Normalcy Bias Harriet Tubman was once quoted as saying, “I freed a thousand slaves I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves.” Despite my great interest in history, I had not heard this quote until Jeff Berwick repeated during his appearance on Double Crossed Radio. Thank you, Jeff. The great thing about exposure to the truth that you hear or read is that you can never unhear or unread something that is inherently truthful. It echoes in your head, knocking down everything that is not based upon truth and fortifying everything that is. This is how that quote worked on me. My love of Austrian Economics had already begun the task of removing my “normalcy bias” without me even being aware of this action. By the time I heard Jeff speak these words, I already considered myself an anarchist, but when I heard Harriet Tubman’s words, I knew I wasn’t quite there yet. Normalcy bias can be strong in the absence of truth. In Chapter 11 of “The Road To Serfdom” Hayek wrote: The skillful propagandist then has power to mold their minds in any direction he chooses, and even the most intelligent and independent people cannot entirely escape that influence if they are long isolated from all other sources of information. The skillful propagandists who have constructed our world views have labored long and hard to ensure we accept that information which we receive through their media outlets as the truth. Some of the mental structures that are created take a while to take down. That is the nature of normalcy bias. The good news is that once one finds truth, it is permanent. There is no going back. It is Morpheus telling Neo, You take the blue pill, the story ends. You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.” Tonight we are going to take down some of the barriers to the truth with regards to our food supply. Find out how skillful propagandists bend your thinking to make you accept things you would reject straight out, but because they have prepared your mind to accept it you do, without question. Have you ever thought to yourself, “the FDA was created to insure the safety of our foods and the medicines we ingest for our health, so I cannot believe that they would act in such a manner as would bring harm to people?” Or maybe this one, “If they ever did release something by error, they would certainly recall it right away to keep people safe.” You might be suffering from propagandist induced normalcy bias. The truth is that once the FDA was empowered to regulate food and medicine, the profits of large corporations that produce these products began to be reliant on the positive determinations that the FDA makes concerning their products. The market was no longer the most important part of the sector of our economy. It was replaced by the regulator. The regulator serves as a gatekeeper. If you want to get your products on the market, you had better make friends with the regulator, or better yet these large corporations have discovered, you should find a way to get your own people into the organization that regulates your business. If after listening to tonight’s show you still trust the government to protect the safety of your food, you had better listen to the podcast until this portion of your normalcy bias has been removed completely. The truth is our food supply is full of poisons, approved by the FDA for human consumption. These poisons arrive both in our food fresh from the farm and the processed food we can only buy through grocery stores. The most egregious example of what I am talking about is Aspartame. Aspartame was discovered by the Searle Company in 1965. They hired “independent” labs to research the safety of their product. Right away alarm bells should be going off in your head. When a company pays for research they want the lab to come up with the results they are paying for. If they don’t, they throw away the research and get another company. In 1974 Donald Rumsfeld (does that name shake any of your confidence just a bit?) submitted selected results from testing done by several labs. On the basis of this testing the FDA approved Aspartame for limited use. About this time, a researcher, Dr. John Olney, at the Washington School of Medicine began true independent tests on Aspartame. He found that the mice that had been fed aspartic acid, a major ingredient of Aspartame, had developed tiny holes in their brains. This study prompted the FDA to do a thorough review of the research that had been done on Aspartame. They found, “…serious deficiencies in Searle’s integrity in conducting high quality animal research to accurately determine or characterize the toxic potential of its products. Also it was revealed that Searle researchers had cut out tumors in animals that had been fed Aspartame and neglected to report all of them or check for cancer. Also, animals were reported as dead, and later reported to be alive.” There is more, but I don’t want to pile on. I think you get the idea of what was going on in these labs. They were being paid to produce a result and they did what ever they had to in order to produce it. The whole point here is, don’t be misled by your normalcy bias. Your trust in government is misguided. Why should we trust them to be more honest than the people they regulate? People are people, and Aspartame is poison.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 23:58:43 +0000

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