Proselytizing: Recently I had the good fortune to visit a local - TopicsExpress


Proselytizing: Recently I had the good fortune to visit a local county fair. During this fair, I visited a few booths in the vendors hall. Groups of entrepreneurs hawking their wares. I noticed that a few of these vendors all had an identical tiny New Testament on their table or in their booth, not prominently there, but there none the less. I decided to ask what this was about. To a person, they mentioned that it was just randomly dropped off by someone earlier in the day. Back in July, my friends and I did a quick tour or Northern California. During one of our stops for food at the Big Bear diner in Ashland, we had a surreal experience. A Matronly/Grandmotherly like woman came to each of our tables and presented a select few with these business cards stating that Jesus loved us. and if we accepted him, we wouldnt burn in hell. Saturday morning, I was awoken by our dogs losing their collective mind (as is their wont... due to well dressed strangers knocking on our front door.) I only managed to get down there while they were departing. They did leave behind a issue of The Watchtower. I ask you, when was the last time a group of Atheists came to your front door to talk to you about Micro vs Macro Evolution? When did you find surreptitiously placed literature in/on your car/house/Halloween bag regarding the benefits of a peer reviewed double blind study? When is the last time you had to politely accept a condescending note regarding your apparent lack of understanding regarding the definition of the scientific term Theory? You havent...EVER. Yet when an Atheist stands up for their right, they are the oppressor. They are the ones forcing their ideas on others. We dare to put up a billboard and we are attacking the public morals. A sign on a bus is the starting of the Revelation! Yet, my publicly questioning religion is an attack on you. Saying Happy Holidays (Because there are more than one cultural holidays during the winter solstice) is an affront to your sensibilities. Expecting the public education that we all equally pay for and benefit from to be free of indoctrination of non scientific fallacies is an imposition on your free speech. You have no problem lying about me and my fellow Atheists. You claim we have a war on Christmas. We dont. We like it as much as anyone else. We just dont believe in a magical birth or talking donkeys. We just have a different. and more personal reason to celebrate with our families....or not celebrate, its our choice... You lie and say we try to ban the Bible in public schools. We dont. There is NOT ONE public school in the US of A that has banned students from possessing or reading the bible. We do not want the school imposing the bible on students as education, nor do we want the schools to endorse religion by condoning one faiths practice over another. You lie and say that we have no morals. Yet you dont see our leaders molesting children and then have the very institution that is supposed to serve the weakest, protect the strongest. You dont see Atheists denying two people who love each other the right to have a state recognized marriage. You lie and say we dont love our country. And this is your greatest lie. While you are more than willing to impose your ideology on me and mine. When I stand up, I am the evil one. I am the one not to be trusted. I am supposed to go quietly back to my house and keep my ideas to myself. why cant I just keep quiet? What does it hurt to believe in God? No more. I WILL stand up to people who say whats wrong with putting In God We Trust on our money. I WILL try to keep religion and its propaganda about science out of the public school. I WILL NOT let my municipality or state spend money on religious causes/education. I want an EQUAL voice in my community in regards to religion. Unfriend me, block me, hide me and ignore me...but dont lie. Dont lie to yourself or to others. If what I am saying is making you uncomfortable in your faith, then you should be asking more questions of your faith. 45 years ago, science took us to the moon. 15 years ago, religion flew us into buildings. Last week, a religious leader said (space) aliens are going to hell. You tell me...whos the liar?
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 00:43:00 +0000

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