Protocols of Notice & Record of Completion Due to the fact - TopicsExpress


Protocols of Notice & Record of Completion Due to the fact that the Union States Corporate - State Agencies and Quasi-Government agencies have instituted the Colorable practices of Birthrights theft, it is the Natural Persons best interest to Notify or to Give Declaratory Affidavits of Fact to all parties of interest. These shall serve as Notice to Principles and to Agents, that there shall be no assumed jurisdiction in matter concerning Moorish American Nationals. In ideal circumstances (when government is operating according to Constitutional limitations), such protocols would be necessary. However, the fact remains that the opposite is true! Corrupt Government officials and personnel at all levels, Federal, State, County, and Local, are constantly violating the Constitution to which they are bound by Law to support and uphold! Thus, necessitating the unorthodox issuing of writ on a massive scale. The point of the writs being sent to the various Departments is to notify them of criminal activities among the local and State officials. They have an fiduciary obligation to act or to pass the complaints on to the properly authorized government agency to investigate the criminality. If not, they too, are in conspiracy in such matters. The paper trail of evidence produced be active Moors and other Constitutionally--loyal citizenry, affirm these facts for the record! Keep in mind that Article III, section 2 of the Constitution also deals with matters of Diversity of Citizenship in controversies to which the United States is a party. Thus, the government positions of Ministers and Consuls come into play in international relationships, even in territories where different nations may be operating in the same territory. Be cognizant at all times about the rule of law that is key to dealing with, and maintaining good government. It is called The Separation of Powers. The Constitution for the United States Republic of North America is based on that Principle. A clear consciousness of this governmental principle must be present in the mental processes of all right-law reasoning natural persons. It is also an important measure for distinguishing and identifying the barriers and limits of jurisdiction in all and any legal argument or controversy before any court or tribunal, or subject matter in government. Page 1 ABOUT CHECKS AND BALANCES The word, Check means, an abrupt halt or stop; to rebuff; a restraint or control, etc. The word Balance means, a stable state or condition characterized by cancellation of all forces by equal opposing forces. Balance brings about a stable, harmonious, and and satisfying arrangement or proportion of parts or branches of government by design and composition. The Constitution is structured to ensure that no branch of the Federal Government becomes too powerful, and thereby upset the balance, stability, and harmony of powers delegated to them. Such an imbalance promotes tyranny. There are three (3) Branches of Government; the Legislative, the Executive, and the Judicial. This how Checks and Balances work: The Legislative Branch of Government (the Congress) makes Law. The President has the power to veto or turn down a law proposed by Congress. The Veto Powers of the President can Check the law making power of Congress. That doesnt mean that the President can deny any law passed by Congress. Wouldnt that give the President (Executive Branch) too much power? Then comes the Balance. The Constitution provides that the Congress can override the Veto of the President with two--thirds vote of both Houses of Congress. This way the Congress can Check the lawmaking power of the Executive Branch (President) The Supreme Court can also become involved in lawmaking by virtue of having the power to interpret the meaning of laws, and making such declarations known in its decisions and rulings. Furthermore, the Supreme Court can declare that certain laws are in conflict with the Constitution, and are therefore null and void, and cannot be enforced. Page 2 ABOUT ANARCHY A violation of Checks and Balance principle, established by the ancient principles adopted for the Constitution for the United States Republic, brings about strong possibilities for corruption, despotism, tyranny, and anarchy. Unfortunately, and due to European--Colonial influences, and Inquisition--oriented persons, having years of monopolizing powers in government, the Checks and Balances, rooted in Constitution Law, has been subverted. We, the Aboriginal Natural Peoples (Moors), having been colorably--held to forced servitude under European occupation of our lands, have suffered the far-reaching sting of Anarchy in Government.
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 22:29:21 +0000

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