Psalm 23. His divine boundaries keep me walking beside still - TopicsExpress


Psalm 23. His divine boundaries keep me walking beside still waters. A positive word for the New Year! I Strongly encourage readers to enjoy this! Just a 2015 tip for successful emotional and mental wellness this year. When God speaks His word to us, inspiring hope and comfort- He gives us peace and security through Freedom, light and truth- He will not divinely place these things in our lives without securing that word with divine boundaries. He wont restore where He doesnt shelter. These boundaries could be personal, to know our limits (self-respect, reconciliation and resolve)... but the things God has in mind for us is to keep the source of praise and worship protected so the enemy cannot come in and obstruct Gods sustenance and provision. As well as draining our resources by coming in under cover where we least expect it, cheating us of Gods structured boundaries in our life. According to Jewish law (the Torah), if boundaries werent respected, it meant the other person had evil motives. It was the highest crime to move a boundary marker or forge property lines. If a person owned a well on the land, you would literally be keeping your source of life safe from fraud or aggressors so that you could draw peaceably without interference. So a prince or official of the Law would stand by the establishing of boundaries with a staff until the well was safe, no one coming to bring conflict or seize property. What a picture of Our intimacy and worship. We are restored under the shadow of His wings in the place of healing, He desires for us to walk in that uncontainable well that He wants to spring up and establish- He will not abandon or forsake this well. This is what David said in Psalm 23. From a Jewish mindset and understanding this text was written. His divine boundaries are in place so that I know His Rod and staff is keep out interference with My worship toward Him, and cause me to enjoy stability so I will fear no evil. The enemy wants to convince me Gods boundaries are for fearful, punishing judgment, but David said they comforted Him. Im not the same person I used to be, Im a new creation- I can do what God said I can do, and the old things are passing away, nothing defines or limits me in the valley of the shadow of death, I will come out knowing my life is hid there In Christ, God has given me a new mind...What He has given, I will be wise as a serpent- what He requires is that I be harmless as a dove with His divine boundaries...Since I dont have to fear evil, the real struggle is learning to live honorably and petition for peaceful passage, and pass through any situation with Gods defenses and heart leading and guiding us on the Kings highway. David writes These waters are still because Im surrounded By His positive influence, divine protection, my soul is being restored with nothing to hinder me. The Enemy cant comprehend or come into this territory-If he thinks you are defenseless, he is making a mistake to enter in a field where God holds the staff. Our enemy wants to divide and conquer and intimidate us with many fears, emotional traps of guilt so that we yield our resources through deception, (See Numbers 21 about the Amorite King Sihon his name in Hebrew means tempestuous, whirlwind) If we are depending on His healing presence, we will not put any stock in emotions, our source of stability is protected, the enemy will never break through the lines or frustrate Gods purpose or plan in your life. In Numbers 21 we see the first time we Israel in favor and reconciled with God, now making request to an heathen king to pass though his land peaceably, giving all assurances that Israel would not touch the kings well, or move a stone from its place and they were still treated hostile. This is the standard God held them to in their land, now He wanted them to extend that honor to the least deserved or respected king who was an oppressor. Some people, no matter how much love and diplomacy you use, will still have bad intentions- the enemy will still try to remove the boundary marker God placed for your success. All through scripture God acts within boundaries toward His people, and He expects them to operate in secure guidelines in a Christ like walk toward the world. It is there His divine boundaries will matter the most, your way of life and conversation in the love and honor of God will determine how you come out of the storms when life denies your request for peace and reconciliation on Gods terms. Dont brace for impact or be moved when you are dishonored, walk in the overflow of His Love, BE Satisfied in the security of His embrace, protect your worship in His presence....Psalm 63. His Hand will be so strong on your life, nothing will be able to contain or break you and you will come out on top of the storm occupying, possessing and defending the land where the enemy just got evicted. It is Gods will for you to Know His divine boundaries, when you have an uncontainable source of healing and expression of divine love and power working through you, you can pray without ceasing, Have love without limits, have joy unspeakable and have peace that surpasses understanding...You will have wisdom beyond your enemies comprehension and drown people without knowing in the Love of God wherever you Go! As God did in Acts Chapter 2, His well in your life will overflow to Jerusalem, Samaria and to the utter most parts of the world...thats what it has to do, that is what He commands for your testimony this year...Amazing, God ordained Divine boundaries to accompany this overflow...Such as Breaking bread, fellowship, communion, prayers, fastings, giving, being engrossed in the Apostles teachings and keeping in one mind and heart in the Spirit. Let nothing obstruct this Spiritual fervor! Do not fall into the trap of pleasing mans expectations and limitations.This is the Kings highway for the New Year! Faithfully, Kevin Simon
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 20:21:50 +0000

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