Psalm 46:2,3—Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give - TopicsExpress


Psalm 46:2,3—Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging. Read todays devotion, Don’t Be Afraid!, from For Such a Time as This, which emphasizes the theme of gospel comfort for those who face bad news or struggle with grief and loss. To feel helpless is frightening. To fear for one’s life is terrible. This psalm reminds us of such feelings in a striking way: the ground giving way beneath our feet, massive mountains quaking and toppling around us, plunging into the deepest part of the sea as the waters crash and roll together with earth-shattering force. The natural catastrophes of earth—earthquakes, tornadoes, floods, etc. remind us of how easily earthly security can give way to overwhelming disaster. Even in an otherwise peaceful world, trouble may come—a severe accident, an illness, the loss of a family member or the loss of our job or home. On our own we are vulnerable and helpless in the face of evil. With dangers and trouble all around us, what hope can the Bible offer? In this world we will have trouble. But in Christ we have a way through the evils of life, through its troubles and trials. God is our refuge and strength. Even when we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, we fear no evil, for our Good Shepherd is with us, leading the way. His word sets our hearts at ease as we entrust ourselves and all things into his almighty care. His grace restores our lives. We can best cope with hard times by walking with Jesus every day. We draw courage and comfort from his Word. We call for his help in prayer. We learn to share our burdens with Christian friends, and in turn help and encourage others. Together as a church and on our own as individuals, we lay down every care at our Father’s throne of grace. How often God’s angels told believers in the past, “Fear not! Don’t be afraid!” God is our refuge. The Holy Spirit who first brought us to trust in Jesus preserves our faith through God’s Word and sacraments. This heavenly assurance of peace with God sets us free from the shame and frustrations of sin. It moves us to trust fearlessly in God even in the midst of trouble. For we know that all things work together for the good of those who love God. We fix our eyes on Jesus, through whom we have become citizens of an eternal home which will never be lost or destroyed. Even when the end of this world arrives, and the earth gives way to the fire of the judgment, we need not fear. For out of its destruction, we will arise with joy to live with our faithful Savior forever. Prayer: Thank you, Lord, for delivering me from every evil. Amen. From For Such a Time as This: Comfort from Meditations © 2010 Northwestern Publishing House. All rights reserved.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 00:00:00 +0000

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