Psalms 139, verses 1 - 24: Matthew Henry commentary (Psalms of - TopicsExpress


Psalms 139, verses 1 - 24: Matthew Henry commentary (Psalms of David) - This scripture is a devout meditation upon the doctrine of God’s omniscience, which we should therefore have our hearts. The beginning verses tells us that God has knowledge of us knowing what we are both inward and outward. Give things to God, acknowledge it, divine truths look fully as well when they are prayed over as when they are preached over, and much better than when they are disputed over. When we speak of God to him himself we shall find ourselves concerned to speak with the utmost degree both of sincerity and reverence, which will be likely to make the impressions deeper. He understands our thoughts from afar off, even before we think them, and long after we have thought them and have forgotten them ourselves.’’ He knows every part of us: He is both behind and before us, no matter which way we will go, we are under his eye and cannot possibly escape it. He hast laid his hand upon us, and we cannot run away from him.’’ Wherever we are we are under the eye and hand of God. Perhaps it is an allusion to the physician’s laying his hand upon his patient to feel how his pulse beats or what temper he is in. God knows us as we know not only what we see, but what we feel and have our hands upon. David closes in verses 23 and 24 by saying; Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts. And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. May God add his blessing to the scripture above. I really like this Psalms. God does know his children and will provide the guidance we need daily if we only seek his will in our lives. Coming up on Day 4 after Chemo and all is well thus far. Still no sides and I plan on going to work again this morning. With these hours during the night, its a good thing Im only working 4 or 5 hours. Yesterday was one of my best days since this all began. I felt more like myself and had better energy until late in the day. Praise God for a good day. Dont forget to keep that Hug and Kiss log, Im looking forward to the collection at the end of my Chemo treatments, not sure if I can handle 4 months at once. I may need to schedule these as needed. I talked with Greg Hudson yesterday and he sounded great. Beth I understand had another great day as well. Just got to mention that when I called the day after my first Chemo, they were both so interested and concerned about how I was doing. I could feel the excitement through the phone as they talked with me. These two have gone through a lot, more that I and still have a positive attitude and a genuine concern for others. God has blessed you both with these gifts, continue to use them as you already do. Were doing good, but still have to get behind the doubts and fears that are brought on by the uncertainty of the future. We both know that God will handle the details and as Larry said, Take one Step at a time which we are doing. Doesnt make it any easier not knowing what the future holds. The doctors cant make up something for they do not know, even though there are times I feel something made up would be helpful. Hope is a powerful tool. It really doesnt matter that the doctors cant say, our hope and promise will be through Gods love and power. God will do everything that we need him to do. He has already prepared the way and knows the outcome for me and my family. Praise God for this and God its ok if you whisper to me and let me know in advance. I smiled when I typed that. Ann and I are so thankful for all our children. We have been so blessed with caring and loving kids. Krystin our baby is now 17, soon to turn 18 on October 18th. She just got a promotion from the nick name, Little Crumb Girl to our Prayer Warrior. Crumb girl came from the fact that when Ben came along I had two jobs one which included Real Estate and money flow was good. He had the opportunity to do a lot of traveling during that time. When Krystin got old enough to do the same, the money flow had dropped, so the only thing left was crumbs which is why she acquired the nick name. But now to the Glory of God and the fact that she has motived herself to take on the role of a Bible Thumbing Nut, did I say that, she is now the Prayer Warrior. Shell talk to you about her God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. If you dont believe just ask. Mom and I are so proud. If I can remember I try to feature each one of our children over the next few days. I am so thankful for all my those that follow and read my post. I know that somewhere, somehow there are hearts that are sharing these post that will help someones in their walk with God. Please continue to pray for me and my family. God has already answered so many prayers for us since the beginning of this adventure. I love each one of you today and forever. Rick
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 06:43:37 +0000

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