Public Hearing on LB 965 Friday, January 31 Tomorrow, Friday - TopicsExpress


Public Hearing on LB 965 Friday, January 31 Tomorrow, Friday January 31, the Legislature’s Natural Resources Committee will hear Senator Ken Haar’s LB 965 on “The True Cost of Energy.” LB 965 would require Nebraska’s Public Power Districts to not only consider factors like lowest cost and reliability when making energy investments—but also greenhouse gas emissions, health effects, water usage, federal regulatory compliance, financial risk and the economic impact of sending our utility dollars out of state to buy coal rather than developing our local renewable resources. For seventy years, Nebraska’s public utilities have operated under a narrow legislative mandate to simply provide affordable and reliable electrical power. LB 965 would enlarge that mandate to demand that equal consideration be given to these other factors that affect the well-being of our physical health, our environment and our economy. The public hearing begins at 1:30 p.m. in Room 1525 of the State Capitol. We not only need people to attend the hearing to show support for LB 965, but to contact their respective state senators and urge their support for the bill. Below are the names of the Natural Resources Committee members who will decide whether to advance the bill to the floor of the Legislature for consideration by all 49 senators. The members of the Natural Resources Committee: Chair. Sen. Tom Carlson (402) 471-2732 [email protected] Sen. Lydia Brasch (402) 471-2728 [email protected] Sen. Annette Dubas (402) 471-2630 [email protected] Sen. Ken Haar (402) 471-2673 [email protected] Sen. Jerry Johnson (402) 471-2719 [email protected] Sen. Rick Kolowski (402) 471-2327 [email protected] Sen. Ken Schilz (402) 471-2616 [email protected] Sen. Jim Smith (402) 471-2730 [email protected] Public Hearing on LB 882 Tuesday, February 4 In the 2013 Session, Senator Haar engineered the passage of the first climate change-related bill in Nebraska legislative history. LB 583 required state government’s “Climate Assessment and Response Committee” to study the projected impact of climate change on Nebraska’s economy, utilizing the resources and expertise of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. But when the CARC leadership took it upon itself to stipulate that the study could not examine the role of humans in climate change, UNL’s climate scientists publicly repudiated the committee’s proposal and opted to conduct their own independent assessment. Senator Haar’s new bill, LB 882, would specifically require the Climate Assessment and Response Committee to include the human role in climate change in both its educational efforts and policy recommendations as part of its formal mission. LB 882 has an excellent chance passing—if we can get the Agriculture Committee to quickly advance the bill to the floor, so the full Legislature can act quickly before the short 60-day session ends. The public hearing on LB 882 will begin at 1:30 p.m. in Room 2102 of the State Capitol. Once again, we need people to attend the hearing to show support for LB 882, but also to contact their respective state senators and urge their support for the bill. Below are the names of the Agriculture Committee members. The members of the Agriculture Committee: Sen. Ken Schilz, Chairperson (402) 471-2616 [email protected] Sen. Dave Bloomfield (402) 471-2716 [email protected] Sen. Ernie Chambers (402) 471-2612 Sen. Thomas Hansen (402) 471-2729 [email protected] Sen. Burke Harr (402) 471-2722 [email protected] Sen. Jerry Johnson (402) 471-2719 [email protected] Sen. Steve Lathrop (402) 471-2623 [email protected] Sen. Norman Wallman (402) 471-2620 [email protected] PLEASE VISIT OUR WEBSITE at
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 18:06:41 +0000

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