Public service announcement for the day (for your dog): Taking - TopicsExpress


Public service announcement for the day (for your dog): Taking the dog out on a leash to go to the bathroom is not walking the dog. That is called Taking the dog out to go to the bathroom. Also, letting the dog out into the backyard is not exercise for the dog, unless you are the kind of person who thinks that walking to the bathroom in a hurry and then going poop is the same as going to the gym. If you go to the dog park and stand around, your dog is most likely going to stand around, too. Sometimes your dog may chase other dogs, but that is play, which is not the same as exercise. Walking the dog means YOU walk with your dog. Its not just about the dogs overall health (although some dogs cannot evacuate properly without a sustainable walk to help move things along, which can cause other problems.) It also establishes an emotional bond between the two of you, helps establish dominance, and helps put the dog in a relaxed and happy state of mind. Going for a walk is every dogs favorite thing to do, from big to small, and even when theyre too old or it hurts, they still WANT to go even if they cant. Its a beautiful day; go walk your dog!
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 16:25:55 +0000

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