Publisher Steve Forbes minces no words when it comes to placing - TopicsExpress


Publisher Steve Forbes minces no words when it comes to placing blame for the disastrous website rollout of the Obama administrations sweeping healthcare program. Its incompetence from top to bottom, Forbes told Newsmax TV in an exclusive interview Friday as Democrats continued to jump ship amid 2014 election fears and as the administration scrambled to fix a website that has kept untold thousands from registering for federally required health insurance. It starts with the top, with the president, and then everyone in the chain of command, including [Health and Human Services] Secretary [Kathleen] Sebelius, said Forbes, publisher and editor-in-chief of his namesake magazine. Everyone knew there were going to be problems. And then something as complex as this, you have to bird-dog it every step of the way. Clearly no one was in charge. They just let it contract and just hoped things would work out, Forbes said. Moving forward, Forbes, who sought the Republican White House nomination in 1996 and 2000, shares the views of a growing bipartisan group in Washington and around the nation that the Obamacare program should be postponed. I hope the Republicans now hammer this issue as never before in terms of putting the individual mandate off, he said. Youre giving business, especially big business and especially favored unions, pet unions, exemptions. Why not the American people? The longer they try to dawdle around on it or punt on it, the worse its going to get. Instead of six weeks they should do 12 months and, ultimately, forever. Perhaps worse still, said Forbes, is the presidents usurping of Congressional powers, changing deadlines arbitrarily, without the consent of lawmakers. Playing dictator, Forbes argues, has become de rigueur for the president. Hes been doing it for five years now and by decree when he cant get it through Congress, Forbes said of Obamas pet initiatives. You see that with the EPA and other agencies, the FTC, making things up as they go along. The National Labor Relations Board, you see egregious examples of ignoring courts, ignoring the law, so why should he start obeying the law now? The key is to challenge him on it, but in the meantime, if he thinks he can play dictator and do things just on his own whim, then we should push for the individual mandate not to be put off for a few weeks — but to be put off, Forbes said. If its good enough to be put off for businesses, its good enough for the American people. Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax newsmax/Newsfront/obamacare-website-incompetent-steve-forbes/2013/10/25/id/533167?ns_mail_uid=65068829&ns_mail_job=1543341_10262&promo_code=154F2-1#ixzz2ipl8GSg7
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 13:20:04 +0000

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