Pulled this from my blog from March 2011 just to remind us of what - TopicsExpress


Pulled this from my blog from March 2011 just to remind us of what we are trying to remove ourselves from. Even then, we had directors complaining about our right to free speech via the internet. Funny how some things never change. SAULT TRIBE UNDERCOVER AGENTS HIDE THE TRUTH Isnt that the new title that should be given to the majority of the Sault Tribe Board of Directors...Undercover Agents? With the exception of five or so, arent the remaining directors really working undercover? Undercover from the scrutiny of the members, that is. Mystery novel terminology, like beneath a cloak of secrecy or swathed in deceit, certainly describes those board members we have come to distrust. Its not because we are a bunch of suspicious, feeble-minded, minions as some in control would like to think, but it is what we have not only learned to do, but what we need to do, as a result of the actions of the same old deceivers. I almost puked when I read the title of Bernard Bouschors unit report. What a bunch of pat-me-on-the-back, dont-hate-me-for-taking-your-money, love-me-cause-I-said-so B.S. Anyone under the watch of an entire tribe could have done the same as he claims to have done. Anyone with a good dose of honesty, integrity, deep concern for every fellow man, woman and child, and a friggin conscience could have done twice as much, if not more, than Bouschor did for our tribe. Lets compare..take a look at what Bay Mills Indian Community, located in Brimley, MI, just 20 miles or so from the Sault, has done with much less. Two casinos, a world class golf course, an RV park & campgrounds, a wonderful community college, an elementary school, a very nice community and housing development, a health center, a police department and soon a mini-mall. Members can lease a plot of land from their tribe, at a cost of $1 for 99 years, on which to build a home. I know I have missed a few great things but they have done more for their people with a lot less than the Sault Tribe has done with much more. What else did we get from Bouschor besides his grandiose claims:...a huge, doomed-from-the-start, failed money pit called Greektown, thirty-plus (30+) failed businesses, lots of questionable backroom deals, insider information (rumors or truth?) of millions gone to the Cayman Islands, Netherlands and Australia, the infamous Barge and a whole lot of legal problems and associated costs. Many employees feared for their jobs under his rule, and rightfully so. Members were threatened for speaking out and employees were approached while on the job by his henchman and told they better be voting for old Bernie. Look what happened when he took over the tribe again. People were fired and their right to file a grievance or appeal was also taken away. They lost their years of earned vacation, sick and personal time but Bernie votes to pay off his old buddy, Fred the former police chief (who is sitting in federal prison for embezzlement) for his sick time. Pat yourself on the back Bernie and thanks...you did us proud or so you would like the rest of the world to believe! On top of everything else, we have to listen to a few directors who whine and complain because we have the internet and we use it. How are they supposed to keep their secrets if we keep posting them on the internet? Information about our tribe isnt going to be printed in the Sault Tribe newspaper nor will we hear about it at a tribal meeting. This is what we are left to do and this is what it will be. We also have the right to referendum and have only just begun to use it. So what if it costs 30-40 grand. The blame lies solely with Chairman McCoy, who holds the secrets, that create the problems, that result in petitions and referendums. It has even been suggested that this site and others are being used to incite a revolution. A revolution is, according to the dictionary, A fundamental change in power or organizational structure that takes place in a relatively short period of time. Complete change from one constitution to another. Modification of an existing constitution. Okay than....a revolution it is. No longer do we have to talk only among ourselves, and fortunately, we have a couple of directors who are not afraid to speak out. It may not be a short period of time to do what must be done but the truth is....change is coming. Lynne Weaver
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 14:00:56 +0000

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