Punar Vivah 2 05th August 2013 Written Episode Scene 1: Location: - TopicsExpress


Punar Vivah 2 05th August 2013 Written Episode Scene 1: Location: Competition Venue Finally raj wins the round, by putting sindoor, on sarita’s forehead, blindfolded. As he opens his eyes, he sees sarita, who he successfully adorned as a bride, amidst huge claps. The MC says that its obvious who has won, and calls on arti to announce it formally. She coems and announces Raj and Sarita as the winners of the competitionj, while kamla and sohan are irritated. All clap for them, while they stay on the stage, and other couples get down. They chat up with arti, who expresses her happiness, at them having won this, despite such tough competition. she wishes that they should be togethre for the next 7 births, and maybe he doesnt know it yet, but would soon. She says that marriage doesnt mean realisation of their dreams, but that two imperfect people perfectly complete each other. She says that every relation starts with freindship, just like theirs. raj says that she’s a very good friend of his, and after ten years, he has set foot on the stage, and she deserves the credit for that. Arti assures sarita, that soon the day would come that raj would confess his love for her, and says that just like yesterday, raj refused for divorce, and he would refuse for the punar vivah too. sarita is hopeful. The MC whispers something in arti’s ear. Arti says that before she rewards the winning couple, she wants to call upon the sponsor of this competition, Mr. Vikrant Suryavanshi, amidst huge and a thunderous applause. He is introduced by arti, to raj and sarita. They greet each other. She says that they arent blood related, but they grew up in the same orphanage and he’s like a brother to her. Vikrant wishes them the best of marital life, as ideal couples are hard to be seen. The award ceremony starts. kamla and sohan bicker on each taking the credit for raj winning the competition. Sarita happily accepts the trophy, while vikrant eyes sarita. After receiving the award, she sees raj tensed. When she asks, he says that those people who havent a single moment as husband and wife, won the title of Mr. and Mrs. Bhopal, and its ironical that when they are seperating, they are meant to be together and made for each other. They are hogged by journalists, who ask raj questions. Raj gives the entire credit to sarita, who is repsonsible for bringing back the college days, and for winning this show. Sarita too gives the same credit to raj, for being responsible for her most precious success ever. The other participants start creating an arguement with raj and sarita, that this is a sham, as those who are filing a divorce cant have won the competition. A man tauntingly accuses raj of being impotent and that being the reason of their divorce. Raj is hurt, while sarita is shocked. Sarita asks him to shut up, and stop pointing a finger at raj, and what they do, its personal to them, and she’s responsible for the Punar Vivah proposal, and asks if they have the guts to find a suitable groom for their wife. But the wife asks what right do they have to take this trophy, when she herself is opting for a punar vivah. Arti and vikrant are catching up, where arti thanks him for being an inspiration to millions, and setting an example to overcome all odds, and succeed. vikrant says that he’s getting very late for a meeting. Arti says that he’s just a succeeful man, but he shouldnt forget that he’s a person and a father too. Vikrant says that everyone has to pay a price for being big. Arti asks what if those he has lost, turns out to be more precious. vikrant says that he has so manu people under him, and all depend on him, and if he stops, they would too. arti says thats the big picture, and has he ever bothered for his personal life’s happiness. Vikrant says that these talks for people who are still in the past, and once bitten, he’s twice shy, and he doesnt want to waste time in these things anymore. He leaves in haste. Arti is informed about the problems inside and taken aside. Arti comes and finds sarita and raj being cornered, about their relation. Arti is shocked too see their reactions. A woman says that this is the best sham ever, where the couple thats divorcing is getting the best couple award. sarita says that she doesnt need this trophy that comes at the insult of her husband. arti comes and talks to the other couples, citing their honesty in this competition, as only they were the peopl who had the compatibility. She says that now they know that their relation is going through a rough patch, and still won a competition, due to their sheer understanding. She asks them to look into their own lives, and wonder why they didnt win it. She asks them to leave and pondre on their own lives, before commenting on others, wishing them the best of luck for the next year’s competition. They all leave, with bowed heads. Arti asks Raj and sarita to forget everything, and asks raj to remember that despite their relationship, sarita preserved his respect. raj is in introspection. Scene 2: Location: Jagotia’s residence raj and Sarita reach home, and are greeted by their family, who congratulate them and demand for a party. Kamla comes in angrily, and asks them to go inside and sleep. They are all amused at their fate in the competition. raj asks them to shut up, or else kamla will hear and come angry at them again. He asks them go and sleep. After all leave, raj takes her to the room. Later, raj says that first he would meet the boy, and then make sarita meet him, as he doesnt want sarita to get insulted. sarita, who has come in with tea, and listens to his phone call, wonders what kind of game is he playing, yesterday Win, the next day Loss, one day hope, the other day despair. raj tunrs out to find sarita, and is surprised. But he says that he was wishing for tea. He is about to take it, but accidentally spills it on his finger, and sarita immediately comes to his rescue by blowing air on his finger. raj sees the concern, and says that he’s alright now. As sarita goes, raj wonders what was sarita going through. As sarita comes back asking what was he talking about, raj diverts the topic, and tells about what he had decided. Raj says that he would take her to the same restaurant where she had run away from. Sarita says that means she’s going to a date with him. raj says that its more of a grooming session, where she would become confident of meeting her prospective groom. sarita gets tensed. raj leaves for the shop. Sarita says, that whatver be the reason, he would be with her. She says that those people worry about the future, cant live their present, while she wants to live every moment with raj compeletely. The screen freezes on her hopeful face. Precap: Arti comes to vikrant, saying that she’s come to talk about vihaan, who needs a mother, for his all round development along with a father. Vihaan is upset and tensed. raj gets a phone call, telling him about a prospective groom for sarita, a match thats unmatched, and the most influential person in bhopal.
Posted on: Mon, 05 Aug 2013 19:03:35 +0000

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