Q: Is enlightenment the aim of life on earth or each of us has a - TopicsExpress


Q: Is enlightenment the aim of life on earth or each of us has a unique purpose and does this our purpose change through time? A: Enlightenment is the purpose of the soul. This is mainly because the soul is trapped in the body. The soul wants liberation. So the soul will appreciate if you reduce the baggage. If there is no baggage, it’s enlightenment. But the purpose of the substratum which the soul carries, which we call character, our constitution, our body, our mind, our intellect, this whole combination is to experience earth and express our constitution on earth. Every person is a bundle of karma. Number one is what provoked this birth, what provoked you to take this body from your first heartbeat till your last heartbeat. Second is that you have a collection of karma which is inherited from your family, from your lineage. Third is that we have collected the karma as we live the life. this includes, as we talked about it now, some of the diseases in the city and all these things collective. You can also see that you were born in one place, but live in another place. So all this is a part of inherited individual and collective. We are a combination of all three karmas, we cannot segregate them. When you are looking at me, you see a physical image and the words I speak. These are only two dimensions of my existence. If you want to see my consciousness, you have to merge into my consciousness. That is when the exact understanding happens and that needs awareness. You have to increase your awareness, and connect to my consciousness. If you look at my cards, there are always eyes on them, eyes are a gateway to the consciousness. Eyes can never lie. They always carry the truth. And it transcends through lifetimes. If you connect to the consciousness, you will understand that you and I are One. There is no difference. Physically we are different. And you look at the physical form, we have so many differences. But the moment you connect to the consciousness, it’s 100% peace. It’s a beautiful feeling. We can read and understand lots of staff, there is plenty in the world. Even internet can give you many things. But if you do not digest them, they are just theories. They never help you to evolve. If you look at the whole spirituality, there is only one message: „You are that.“ Just one message. Whatever you are searching for in the world outside, that is you. If you understand that, you have understood the whole spirituality. And how do you know you are that? When you finished all the search outside, you become tired. Then you start thinking: „I’m not finding what I am looking for. Where is it?“ Then you slowly withdraw. Once your whole search ends, you find yourself. This is the whole spirituality. Whatever we do, or whatever we say, or whatever we practise, one day everything will stop and we become still. Then you know who you are. Until then, you only have a relative idea. You have not experienced yourself. The moment you experience yourself, you are totally in peace. There is nothing more to experience. These are fundamentals in spirituality. In the path sometimes you get frustrated, sometimes you become angry and sometimes you feel you are not reaching anywhere, sometimes overwhelming love, sometimes overwhelming hatred, all emotions will come. This is all sitting in you. At that time, what people usually do, as they cannot change, they change the guru. :) But that is not a solution. So, when you are going after god, nothing should stop you and you do not need a priest or anybody because you and god are already One. All you need is to understand that. Experience it. God can never be understood, god has to be experienced. First, before you experience god, you have to experience yourself. When you are going into silence more and more, what happens initially is that all the things which you have collected and stored in you will come out. So they will come and they will bother you. At that time you have to cling on further to the purpose. Whatever happens, do not deviate. And god is One, remember. God has no form, it’s pure energy. It doesn’t matter what name you give god, god is One. Until you catch god, do not stop. This is my advice to you because it’s worth it. A kind of things which you experienced once you achieve that energy, i can’t explain. It’s very difficult to explain. On travelling the spiritual path, more and more calamities can happen. But that is the time when you have to hold on the faith. And nothing should stop you until you achieve the highest. Whatever happens in the middle, let it be. Use this lifetime to reach the highest. Second thing is that, the Law of attraction is equal to subtlety. You can attract wealth, you can attract anything provided you are operating in the subtlest possible. Body is the gross. Mind is still gross, you can feel it. You have to go beyond the body, beyond the mind, beyond the intellect and beyond the ego and you reach a state of stillness from where when you operate, if you operate, everything will come to you. You will have no shortage of anything. What you want, it will happen. But if the mind is operating, you cannot get everything, because mind keeps changing. Mind is never stable. If the earth is shaking, you cannot build anything on it. Like that, operating from the mind level, you cannot attract anything. qawithmohanji.wordpress/2014/05/04/satsang-with-mohanji-in-belgrade-serbia/
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 07:14:19 +0000

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