Q: WHEN DUA MOST LIKELY TO BE ANSWERED? ASalam Alaykum Wa - TopicsExpress


Q: WHEN DUA MOST LIKELY TO BE ANSWERED? ASalam Alaykum Wa Rahmatulullah Wa Barakatuh. Bismillahi. Arahmani Raheem Dua request for;- Mohamned Taj Sister Lucia I have two requests for special dua for all of you to make on this most excellently supreme day for calling upon Allah The Magnificent 1. A sister messaged me about her brother in law who just had a heart attack, she wrote:- he is a young guy, he has a wife (my sister) and two kids. His surgery is tomorrow. Could you please request everyone to keep him in their duas. His name is Taj Mohammad. Thank you so much. Barakallahumfeekum 2. Is our new sister in the deen Lucia that we all made dua for earlier on this week, she has suddenly has a turn for the worse and needs Friday treatment! Ps Sister Lucias fund is doing well! Alhamdulillah. May The Almighty Allah SubHanAllah Wa Ta Ala cure them both Ameen & give them tahooran and shifaa and Shafiq. Ameen. A: WHEN DUA MOST LIKELY TO BE ANSWERED Al-Haafidh ibn al-Qayyim explains the causes that lead to ones supplication being answered in a beautiful way saying…..When the servant combines in his supplication presence of the heart and its being attentive and devoting itself solely to Allah, sincerely asking Him for the desired matter, doing so at one of the six times when the supplication is more likely to answered - these being: The last third of the night. At the time of the adhaan. Between the adhaan and iqaamah. At the ends of the prescribed prayers. From the time the Imaam ascends the pulpit to the time the prayer has finished on the day of Jumu`ah. The last hour after the prayer Asr.
Posted on: Fri, 11 Apr 2014 10:05:51 +0000

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