Q: What Made You Decide To Write The High Price I Had To Pay 2, - TopicsExpress


Q: What Made You Decide To Write The High Price I Had To Pay 2, After Serving 16 Years In Federal Prison? A: I knew it was time for some of us from the inside to be bold and courageous and finally speak out about what has happened from our prospective. So when I transferred to Danbury Federal Prison Camp (after serving 16 years behind bars in the higher security FCI) and Jamila Davis approached me about writing the High Price I Had To Pay 2, I was open. After I read her book, I immediately recognized the power our books could have. We both expressed a desire to make our books raw, real, heartfelt and TRUTHFUL! Jamila gave me the motivation and I took the ball from there. For many years, even in prison, I hid from the truth, because the truth was so very painful. I felt foolish for what I allowed to take place. It was never my goal to be a drug dealer. I just wanted to be loved. That desire led me to make some very poor decisions that I am not proud of. Growing up in the projects, I was taught to live by the code of the streets, never snitch! I was what you could consider a ride or die chick, so I stood faithfully by my man. The government made it clear that they didnt want me, they wanted him. But, I refused to cooperate with them. I believed my dude 100% when he said they got nothing on us. Looking back, I feel like such a fool! Locked away, I was able to spend some serious time reflecting. Reading my Bible daily to get the strength I needed to survive, I was able to discover the meaning of true love. I learned love doesnt hurt, love always protects the one who it loves and love always wants the best for its lover. As I learned the truth and accepted it, the spell broke and I began to heal. Most importantly, for the first time in my life I began to truly love myself. As I did, I gained my true self back. Back then, If I knew what I know now, I would never have landed in prison. That is why it is my desire to share my story with the world, so little girls who are in the position I was once in will learn from my mistakes and avoid this painful experience. If my story can save just one life, then the pain that I endured was worth it. Today I am all about paying it forward! Ive got 16 years of lemons underneath my belt. Now its time to use my bitter experiences to share lemonade with the world. By keeping my motives pure, I know it will eventually set me free! HAVE YOU READ MICHELLE MILES HEARTFELT BOOK? THE HIGH PRICE I HAD TO PAY 2 IS NOW AVAILABLE ON AMAZON.COM. PLEASE TELL A FRIEND TO TELL A FRIEND ABOUT THIS POWERFUL STORY TODAY!!! amazon/The-High-Price-Had-Pay/dp/0991104102/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1385863493&sr=8-1&keywords=high+price+i+had+to+pay+2
Posted on: Sun, 01 Dec 2013 02:05:29 +0000

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