QATAR: Agency Dinar News a partagé la photo de Libyan affairs - TopicsExpress


QATAR: Agency Dinar News a partagé la photo de Libyan affairs in the international press . The first page of London - based Arab newspaper (the role of the base with Qatar evident and very serious reports recommend you read the audit in Mudalladtha ) Zawahris remarks .. An attempt to unify the jihadists and save the role of Qatar Leader of Al Qaeda Ayman al - Zawahiri abolish Daash and strengthens the victory . Is topple the new force backed by Riyadh the latest Doha papers . London - Observers considered that the timing of publishing audio recording of the al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri , which aired on Al -Jazeera yesterday was intended to influence the reality of militant groups associated with the organization , especially in light of the progress recorded by Assads forces in the vicinity of the city of Aleppo . Zawahiri announced yesterday that it decided to cancel the Islamic State in Iraq and Sham ( Daash ) , saying that the militant Front victory is a branch organization in Syria . Recent months have seen a great struggle between Daash led by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi ( an Iraqi ) and the Front victory , led by the Syrian Abu Mohammed Joulani , who refused to obey Prince fugitive from Iraq. Zawahri said in the registry canceled the state of Iraq and the Islamic Sham and continue to work on behalf of the Islamic State of Iraq , stressing that Front victory for the people of Syria , an independent branch of the base group follows the General Command of Jihad . Zawahiri said that the spatial jurisdiction of a State of Iraq is Iraq, and the state of the Frente victory for the people of Syria is Syria. The Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi the leader of Iraqi branch of the organization, announced the collection of Islamic State of Iraq and the Front victory under the banner of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant , a decision that caused the confusion between jihadists In sharp divisions have had an impact on the development of Community militant on earth . While attributed observers emergence of recording Zawahiri at this time to attempts to unite the groups of the organization to cope with the significant progress achieved by forces Assad backed militias, Lebanese , Iraqi and Iranian , the experts and analysts went on to say that the tape was broadcast now in an attempt to revive the role of the country in the Syrian file , a role that previously received painful blows after angry at Washington from Doha , which helped to strengthen the Community closeup of Al-Qaeda threatened the nature of the Syrian Revolution and turned the country into a new Afghanistan . Experts said that Qatar Zawahri tape leaked this time at the request of the American circles angry at Saudi Arabia, which has succeeded in strengthening the ties of national powers in the opposition, which refused to attend the Geneva conference as proposed by U.S. and Russia , a formula that you want to celebrate the rapprochement between the two countries at the expense of the Syrian revolution . The Riyadh refused categorically to attend the Geneva Conference in its proposed U.S. including means of maintaining the role of the Lion in the next stage , and to promote the integration of opposition fighters in the regular army to become their mission fighter groups, radical , and go so the sacrifices of the Syrians during the three years without meaning. He ruled experts to succeed Qatar, and those who searched for the revival of its file Syria to play again paper groups close to the rule that have lost the confidence of the Syrians because of the agenda of cross- countries which want through building a state of Islamic gel , as well as intervention divide in peoples lives and public and private freedoms . In parallel, won the national resistance forces on the ground more popular sympathy , not only lacked access to the weapon that his arrival Malfunction veto the U.S. in recent months . He noted experts and analysts to Riyadh, which proved that powers the Syrian National is the paper the most important in any future solution , will work in the future to provide support for the two types have to be able to face the regime forces backed by Iran and Hezbollah on the one hand , and groups hardline backed diagonally and Turkey on the other hand . The newspaper The Guardian yesterday , that Saudi Arabia is preparing to spend millions of dollars on arming and training of thousands of Syrian fighters in the framework of a new force of armed opposition will serve as a counterweight to powerful jihadist organizations . The newspaper said , citing sources Syria , Arab and Western , that Saudi Arabia intensive efforts will focus on the Army of Islam , which was formed in late September / September last year through the merger of 43 set Syria excluding Daash and victory . She added that the Army of Islam will be trained with the help of Pakistani and strength will range between 5 thousand and 50 thousand fighters . The newspaper pointed out that the head of Saudi intelligence , Prince Bandar bin Sultan, the pressure on the United States also has to give up its objection to providing Army of Islam anti-aircraft missiles and tanks , while being urged Jordan to allow the use of its territory as a way to deliver military supplies to Syria. It quoted diplomats that Riyadh in turn will encourage the Army of Islam to accept the authority of the Supreme Military Council , led by Major General Salim Idris, and the Syrian opposition coalition . Analysts going to consider that the unification of the national forces of the opposition Syrian identity is a necessary step to achieve a balance with the forces of the system, which allows talking about a political solution to be able to withstand .
Posted on: Sat, 09 Nov 2013 14:24:03 +0000

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