QUESTION: IS [YOUR] THE LAW OF MAGNETISM TRUE OR FALSE “do positive likes attract like; as well as negatives opposites attract negative like?” WHY SHOULD” WE THE PEOPLE” GIVE? ANSWER:BECAUSE “ALL TOGETHER “ U & ME ARE ‘a great force for positive change’ THE WORLD! I firmly believe WE THE PEOPLE must seek to renew our GRASSROOTS NON-PARTISAN mutually CONSENSUSES efforts,,,, so as to aggressively in unity seek a pathway to reach the goalpost of a common middle high ground...In OUR togetherness, we are the strongest force for SCORING & FORGING a RENEWAL of An All American All America Renaissance. Although, our outside the border oppositions maybe greater than our collective weakness apart.... but certainly in unity our MADE IN AMERICA multi-Plurality is a much greater force for positive change, when viewed in light of a potential TEN TRILLION DOLLAR REINVESTMANT IN OUR DOMESTIC MANUFACTURING BASE...if we can find the high road of common sense compromise; I AM SURE we can once again become stronger than any other nation on planet earth. THIS BRINGS TO MIND A SLOGAN THAT I APTLY WROTE AND SUBMITTED SEVERAL YEARS AGO AND OFFERED FREELY FOR MY NEAR AND DEAR LIFELONG EMPLOYER OF 41 YEARS and requested nothing in return but *serve.* It was a humble service offered by a prince and a an ALL AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL ENTERTAINMENT ICON and little *me* an unknown to many yet well seasoned songwriter who was willing to give my all and all TO CELEBRATE THE 100TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE FOUNDING OF THE CITY OF GARY AND GARY WORKS with special gift composed of hand made red white and blue notes captured in an amazingly august Americana [EXCUSE ME IF I SAY SO MYSELF BECAUSE IT WAS NEVER TO BE HEARD BECAUSE OUR DIFFERENCES APART] beautiful tapestry in words & music & deed as I had actually turned down a offer to do the very same song for THREE extremely well known National Washington DC ORGANIZATIONS TO THE TUNE OF 2.5 MILLION DOLLARS $450,000.00 IN PRODUCTION COSTS AND A CAPTIVE AUDIENCE VIA ONE OF THE ORGANIZATIONS WORLDWIDE INTERNATIONAL WEBSITE. WHY, WOULD WE THE PEOPLE because we are the world both you and me OFFER A GIFT of that magnitude, prince and pauper? BECAUSE THIS IS WHAT I WAS TAUGHT TO DO AS A CHILD LIVING IN THE LAKE COUNTY CHILDRENS HOME a place where all the community leaders gave me and my fellow foster brothers and sister LOVE AND MENTORING BEYOND COMPREHENSION *including as I was daily lectured [by viewing the pictures and captioned shots taken from the many obscure early all black movies of BILLs Black History Firsts performances like GREEN PASTUERS WITH SAMMY DAVIS, JR. AND DORTHY DANDRIDGE..BILL PLAYED THE LEADING ROLE OF DA LAWD GOD ALMIGHTY COME DOWN TO EARTH TO SEE ABOUT HIS CHILIN that lined the wall of his mothers office and small live-in quarters] in the history of a favorite son a well known Gary Roosevelt High Shakespearian actor famous for his early starring portrayal of OTHELLO THE BLACK MOOR and aka renown locally in later years for Northwest Indiana appearances with the Northwest Indiana SYNOPHONY ORCHESTRA AS the GREAT FREEDOM FIGHTING BLACK EMANCIPATOR ‘FREDRICK DOUGLAS’ [What a black male “Inspiration OF GUI-DANCE” for a nine year old boy through hard HEADED hard NOSED puberty as ‘I WAS THE ORIGINAL TOM SAWYER’ of the 2316 Jefferson Street LCCH and he was also my “OWN” 2300 Jackson Street / 2316 Jefferson street HOLLYWOOD MENTOR my very own personal tall strong ‘All Blackman’AND my All Shakespearian Black Prince of Othello too] William Bill Marshall.* THE IMPORTANCE OF URBAN AMERICAN [because we were surrounded by poverty but never poor because we had each other, 8 girl and 9 boys and shared everything from a daily one hour study hall after school after dinner and before only a little few hours of TV ‘BEFORE AN UNRELENTING’ 8:30 pm little boy, 9:30 week days for big boys lights out; we shared everything in common, [ you can think that I am making this up as I go but know this is the absolute truth] to clothes, to group ‘girls against the boys’ year round sports] PHILANTHROPY was “our” constant companion. I WAS DIRECTLY, DAILY AND DYNAMICALLY *TAUGHT THAT “U & ME ARE WORLD AND IN SOMETIMS OF DIMNESS A VERY SCARSE WEALTH OF LIMITED RESOURCE. “ U & ME / WE ARE THE WORLD” and “u & me” we ARE OFTENTIMES ALL THE KINDNESS AND GENEROSITY THAT ANOTHER TROUBLE CHiLD OF GOD MAY HAVE IN THIS 5 SEOND ‘NANO’ TERA / GIGA HERZ SOUND BITE INTERNET AGE OF KNOWLEDGE BUT SELF- ABSORBED HEDONISM AND WE HAVE A DUTY TO SHARE OUR KINDNESS WITH THE LESS FORTUNATE JUST AS WE HAVE BEEN WITHOUT RESERVE BEEN SHOWN LOVE WTHOUT MOTIVE OTHER THAN LOVE *,,,, BY A GREAT LIVING & LIFEGIVING PATRON SAINT OF HAMMOND, EAST CHICAGO, GARYS INDIANAS LOST BUT FOUND CHILDREN BY A GIANT OF AN URBAN HUMANITARIAN “WOMEN” NAMED THELMA MARSHALL [William Marshall is her son] BY HER EXAMPLE : TAUGHT TO GIVE. *to give; is to receive; the gift of giving*..So Ironic or was it some grand predestined and masterful design, that we lived only a stone’s throw away from 2300Jackson street with a role model of heath education and human welfare as.. SHE A TEACHER/ ADMINSTRATOR BY VOCATION WAS A REAL LIFE HARD TO FIND DIAMOND PIONEER ONE OF THE GREATEST CONTEMPOARY GIVERS FOR THE WANTING CHILDREN OF THE WORLD OF TODAY GIVING WAS HIS MIDDLE NAME JOSEPH AGAIN ONE OF THE GREATEST GRASSROOTS GIVERS OF ALL LIFE AND ALL TIME OF OUR GARY ROSSEVELT COMMUNITY AND THE GREATER COMMUNITY OF ALL MANKIND... so ironic that another ‘hard headed hard nosed’ neighborhood young boy SURROUNDED BY POVERTY BUT NEVER POOR. A BOY surrounded by ‘GUI-DANCE OF GUIDANCE’ and love BECAUSE OF HIS FAMILYS CARE AND SONG OF ECHOING GIVING, would grow up to be one of greatest American givers in all the world...hailing from our 2316 JEFFERSON / 2300 JACKSON STREET NEIGHBORHOOD [ you might be surprised to know some of the other heroes and heroines of that small Roosevelt High School Area] ... of GARY, INDIANA MY HOME. THE HOMETOWN OF MY FOREVER FRIEND MICHAEL JOSEPH JACKSON AND MY HOME SWEET HOME...freely we shall give, freely we shall receive........and all together! we shall overcome..rja THE FOLLOWING IS THE HIGHLY COPIED BUT NEVER DUPLICATED ORIGINAL *^2009^* PLAN “FEATURING THE THRILLING MAN IN THE MIRRIOR, THE KING OF POP MICHAEL JACKSON AND THE BILLION DOLLAR MARCH 1 : ONE SONG, ONE REGION, ONE NATION, ONE AMERICA, ONE LOVE! DEDCATED TO MY FELLOW MUSICAN, FRIEND AND MENTOR: GEORGE F. BABCOKE The charitable song and “music/video(s)” is [proposed] to be used for international promotion purposes for all participants and edifice(s). It can also be developed as an ‘Automobile [GM, Daimler Chrysler, Ford] Advertisement’ and as an ‘Internet [AOL Time Warner, Microsoft, Google] Content Provider Catalyst’ [exclusively marketed] for “Music & Video Search Engine User Visit” membership enrollments(s). [Such as `YOU Tube] I hope that you will find that this can be one of the best ‘Public Relations Campaigns’ “of all time” and warrant the “Washington, DC Martin Luther King National Memorial Project Foundation, Inc.,” “United States Steel Corporation,” “Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels” and the “Northwest Indiana Regional Development Authority” as the major underwriter(s) with assisted logistics provided by the Washington, DC Martin Luther King, Jr. National Memorial Foundation Inc and other concerned parties. I have given my very best performance to establish a new genre for arts & entertainment. This will give a fresh new source of philanthropic ‘aid’ to the people of the District of Columbia, the people of the State(s) of Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, America and the world. I would like to thank Mr. George F. Babcoke, for his generous insight, patience and inspiration. The Urban Aid, Inc. [U & Me Aid] Fund Raising Target Goal is in the amount of: “One Billion Dollars to Hundreds of Billions of Dollars” The following introductory correspondence is [in addition] an abridged prospectus presenting Urban Aid, “Heart’s Around the World, Inc.” and a proposed offer to produce a “world-class” “song and music video” in honor of the ‘Centennial Celebration’ of the 100th Anniversary of the founding of “United States Steel, Gary Works” and the City of Gary. Presented via: Urban Aid – U & Me Aid [Urban Multimedia Entertainment Aid] “The Billion Dollar March I” Request for: ‘Funding and facilitation [proposed] made possible by “The United States Steel Corporation” ‘The company that for a century helps make America as strong as steel.’ ‘Strengthening Humanity through the Humanities’ ©™ US STEEL The request for funds is in the amount of $75,000.00 USD. *we can and need, to work together, to forge a Stronger & Even Greater America.*
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 10:00:48 +0000

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