QUESTION: salaam alaikum sheikh Raid. I have seen some accusations - TopicsExpress


QUESTION: salaam alaikum sheikh Raid. I have seen some accusations and criticisms directed at AICP on wikipedia, id like to know what is true and what is fabricated. #1: Sufism plays also an important role in al-Ahbashs doctrine as demonstrated by the practice of several Sufi traditions such as the pilgrimage to holy mens tombs (Ziyarat), mystical dancing sessions, use of musical bands in religious ceremonies. #2: al-Ahbash advocates a separation of religion and state and thereby rejects the idea of an Islamic state #3: .Shaykh Habashi in his books and lectures blend[12][13][14][15][16] elements of Sunni and Shia theological doctrines with Sufi spiritualism by supporting the legitimacy of Imam Ali and his descendents while condeming Muawiyya, the caliph and governor of Damascus, and his son Yazid as seditious thus adopting Shiite tradition whereas setting apart from all other Sunni jurists #4: . their singular understanding of the meaning of the name of God, or their assertion that the Quranic Text was interpreted by the angel Gabriel, or the practice of praying to the dead ANSWER: wa alaykum salaam, ya Akhi. It is my pleasure to answer, but it will not be short. I will be as concise as I can. 1. Tasawwuf is valid. No one would mention this in a problematic context but a Wahhabiyy or someone influenced by them. That being said, not everything that people who claim to be Sufis do is valid, and not everything that is mentioned here is honestly portrayed. For example, saying that we make “PILGRIMAGE” to graves of holy men is a great exaggeration. Let the claimer show or prove that we do such a thing. If any of us were in the vicinity of a grave of waliyy, we would visit his grave like any other Sunni Muslims would. It was narrated in the hadiyth that the Prophet ﷺ said about Muwsaa, peace be upon him that he said: رَبِّ أدْننِي مِنْ الأَرْضِ الْمُقَدَّسَةِ رَمْيَةً بِحَجَرٍ “O my Lord, get me (i.e., make me die) as close to the Holy Land as the throw of a stone,” and the Prophet ﷺ said about that: وَاَللَّهِ لَوْ أَنِّي عِنْدَهُ لاَرَيْتُكُمْ قَبْرَهُ إلَى جَنْبِ الطَّرِيقِ عِنْدَ الْكَثِيبِ الأَحْمَرِ “I swear by Allaah, if I were there, I would have shown you his grave on the side of the road by the red hill.” Haafidh Waliyyu-d-Diyn Al-ˆIraaqiyy said about this: “Therein is the recommendation of knowing the graves of the pious and doing what is appropriately done there.” Mystical dancing sessions? Perhaps the claimer has a youtube video showing us doing ‘mystical dances’. This is quite tickling. As for ‘musical bands’ in religious ceremonies, I suppose that means the brothers and sisters who sing and play the duff at gatherings. This is not against the Religion. Whoever wrote this wishes to deceive you by giving you a false impressions that we play flutes and guitars and spin around and do all sorts of weird things. 2. We reject the idea of an Islamic state? How so? We are awaiting the Mahdiyy like everyone else. This is a weird lie. 3. What they have said about Ali and Mu^aawiyah is, first of all, a lot of fancy talk, and secondly, the real issue that the speaker wants to get at. This point is a long discussion, and I will give you a 99.9999999999999999% guarantee that the person who wrote this nonsense will NEVER, EVER, EVER accept to discuss this issue live by voice. We have a lot of material written about this subject, and it is very easy to talk about. The people who bring up this issue could never defeat us in a debate about it, and not even make a sensible argument. If we argue by text, the debate can go on and on, but if we argue this issue by voice, it will be over in five minutes or less. The summary of the matter is that the religious evidence proves that those who fought Ali were sinful- even though some were Companions, like the hadith in which Aliyy said, “The Prophet commanded me to fight three groups: Those who withdraw their allegiance, those who revolt, and those who go out of the Religion.” Ali indeed fought three groups, and Mu^awiyahs army was one of them. If the Prophet commanded him to fight them, then nothing more can be said about those who fought Aliyy than that they were commanded by the Prophet to be fought, and there’s no way they were not sinful if the Prohet commanded that they be fought. Also, there is the authentic hadith, “woah unto Ammaar, the rebellious group will kill him.” Ammaar was killed by Mu^aawiyah’s army. To that these people say to us (without commenting on the hadith) “How could you dare call them rebellious!!??!!????!!!!!” Whoever wants to read some of what we have already prepared may do so, whoever wants to ask may do so, and before I move to the next point, know that the claimers statement: “whereas setting apart from all other Sunni jurists” is a cold, bold-faced lie. Among those who said what we say in this issue is Ash-Shaafi^iyy, and he is one among many, many many others. 4. We say God is the name of the Creator in English. I do not know what he means by the verse interpreted by the Angel, and we do not pray to the dead. This is a bunch of cheap shots and blows below the belt by someone who has probably been horribly refuted by one of our shaykhs.
Posted on: Fri, 24 Jan 2014 06:39:38 +0000

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