Question. Israel didnt want this war but has been forced to go - TopicsExpress


Question. Israel didnt want this war but has been forced to go into Gaza to confront terrorists who want to destroy Israel Answer.This makes it sound like Israel is the victim rather than the aggressor, occupier, invader (initiator of violence, breaker of peace deals, violator of ceasefire agreements, ignorer of UN resolutions etc.) and that the Palestinians are somehow picking on Israel. This often comes from not accepting two points: Israel occupies Palestine Resistance to occupation, aggression and invasion is always legitimate The Israeli occupation of Palestine is the longest military occupation in modern history – 66 years of injustice. The Palestinians became refugees in their own land after Israel was formed in 1948 in a frenzy of ethnic cleansing and terrorism known as the Nakba (catastrophe). Palestinians were uprooted to make way for a Jewish state. As Israeli historian Benny Morris relates: A Jewish state would not have come into being without the uprooting of 700,000 Palestinians. Therefore it was necessary to uproot them. There was no choice but to expel that population. It was necessary to cleanse the hinterland and cleanse the border areas and cleanse the main roads. It was necessary to cleanse the villages from which our convoys and our settlements were fired on. Gaza is one of the most densely populated places on Earth with a total area of 365 km2, a population of over 1.7 million and eight over-crowded, under-resourced refugee camps. Its economy is at a standstill, unemployment sky high, half of its children malnourished and people suffering from disease without access to adequate medical care. They depend on Israel for supplies to power their water and basic sanitation. Sewage overflows and over 90% of the water is undrinkable. In one simple example of how powerless Palestinians are, Israel admitted to calculating the number of calories Palestinians would need to avoid mass malnutrition under its blockade of Gaza. The documents use the chilling phrase minimal subsistence. Another is Israel admitting to incredible racism by giving Ethiopian Jews forced sterilisations without their consent and knowledge. Another even more outrageous example is that Swedish newspaper Aftonbladetexposed the fact thatIsrael harvests the organs of prisoners and may even have kidnapped and murdered some for that very purpose. After all that, why would anyone be surprised that Palestinians want to see an end to Israel? In any case, the people of Gaza are in no position to threaten Israels existence. It can manage a resistance at best. Zionists complain about how the Palestinians choose to resist but it is important that we only discuss methods of resistance (bombs, rockets, bullets, stones etc.) once we have answered if the Palestinians have a right to resist in the first place. If they do have a right to resist then and only then we can discuss what means they have available to them. Anyone with a heart would agree that people have a right to resist occupation, aggression and invasion. This right is enshrined in every set of laws ever made. No one would accept the same situation of occupation without the right of resistance for themselves. They would always want the right to fight back and nations regularly honour those who resisted aggression in the past. Look at how the Israelis continue to venerate the Zydowska Organizacja Bojowa (Jewish Fighting Organisation) that fought in the Warsaw ghetto against the Nazis. The Palestinians are simply resisting occupation, aggression and invasion, which is always legitimate. As a final point, it is ludicrous to suggest that Israel has been forced. Havent you realised by now that no one forces Israel to do anything?
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 12:56:53 +0000

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