Question by Trent Smith regarding forgiveness of sins in - TopicsExpress


Question by Trent Smith regarding forgiveness of sins in Islam: Here are some questions for regarding sin and forgiveness. First, If allah is a Holy God he would have to judge sin; so how does allah judge and punish your sins? How good does a muslim have to be, and how many works does one have to do for allah to allow them into heaven? Remember that ACCORDING to the koran allah revealed and confirmed the Torah. ACCORDNING to the koran the Torah and the Bible itself is the WORD of allah in which he GUARDED SAFELY. Again ACCORDING to the koran – Surah 6:115 and 18:27 the WORD(S) of allah CANNOT be changed or altered. Proclaiming corruption or altering of the Bible ACCORDING to the koran negates the truth of allah and his existence. Now, if the Torah proclaims that sins were forgiven by the shedding of blood then how are the sins of a muslim forgiven? If prayer rituals, and buying your way into heaven was all that was needed then why did allah confirm the Torah which required the sacrificing of animals? Is allah not all knowing? If one can earn their way into heaven by being good or doing good deeds, then does that not mean that one is EQUAL with allah since we would have to be judged by his standard of good to enter into heaven? It appears that allah merely excuses sins and allows his creation to be just as good as he???? Can a muslim truly be judged by allah’s standard of good? From my discussions with fellow muslims, it appears they believe it is their goodness that will allow them into heaven!!! If allah does not judge you and punish you for your sins, then can allah truly be viewed as a Holy God if he is merely overlooking your sins? There has to be justice and judgment for sins; yet merely saying you forgive them does not represent this justice.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Jul 2013 03:42:24 +0000

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