Question for anyone willing to answer. Where do you see the - TopicsExpress


Question for anyone willing to answer. Where do you see the Human race in 50 years, not any individual country, not any individual person, but us, we the people. Have we given up fossil fuels? Have we ended world hunger? Is our climate still in its steady decline? Have we colonized other celestial bodies? Does religion still dominate the minds of our people? Have we found peace with our neighbours across the seas? Do the poor still exist? Do we still exist? At what point in time does the fate of our home stop being controlled by those that were born in a generation of progress without repercussion? When does our generation take control of its future? Now I know that these are all problems with missing parts to their solutions, but what solved a majority of these problems in the past that turned us into what we are today? I think the answer is pretty simple, Energy. Sure we got our start with the discovery of a natural forming, extremely potent sources of carbon based fossil fuels, but why havent we moved past the past? Where is our future? Could we harness the wind? Sure, but its impractical. Could we harness the seas? Again, yes, but very impractical. What about the sun? Ever shining and forever bright, surely we could come to harness such a massive source of energy for all the world to use, the sun shines easily across great open deserts and plains, it brought forth life to our home and gives us the energy we need as natural beings. But is the space we need worth the output we receive? To be frank, no. We are better off finding something smaller scaled requiring less maintenance and tech that could power through day AND night. Something new and improved. But where could something with so much power come from?... At this point in time I would like to address nuclear energy. Our current Nuclear plants are based around 1950s tech of using solid Uranium-235 and blasting it with a neutron in hopes that it undergoes fission to create high temperatures to heat water into steam to propel generators. In total about 94% of the uranium is wasted in this process. 94% Waste material, of which we dont have reactors of any kind to use this waste and it then has to be stored away from the public for our own safety resulting in approximately 2.5 million metric tons (as of 2007) of radioactive waste on earth. Doesnt sound very useful or efficient, and in present society we are all about efficiency. So why arent we efficient and what are the alternatives? The answer is actually pretty simple, clean, and virtually waste free as the waste can be used as fuel again with its own waste applicable to medical and scientific purposes. Creating elements extremely expensive at the cost of creating more energy than current practices with virtually no carbon footprint. Sound too good to be true? Its not, find out more here and spread the word for a cleaner, more easily managed world. Change doesnt start from the top so we need to be talking about it now. energyfromthorium ted/talks/kirk_sorensen_thorium_an_alternative_nuclear_fuel #ThinkThorium #CleanEnergy #EnergyFromThorium Also it would be the required energy practice on celestial bodies like the moon, where there is no wind/water/practical use of the sun, but an extremely abundant supply of Thorium (I dont know about you but I want to live on the moon)
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 02:55:48 +0000

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