Question of the Day : An 11 year old scout who may have - TopicsExpress


Question of the Day : An 11 year old scout who may have Aspergers has really high anxiety. depression. ADHD and some wandering. A year ago when he crossed over to Boy Scouts he struggled and I feared he would get kicked out after he went on his first camp out solo. He wandered off, rebelled, and did everything he could to try to come home. We did not know the extent of how bad it was until a week later when we got a very detailed email from the Scoutmaster (none of which was communicated to us except he would not take his ADHD meds and wanted to go home). Since then I (yep, Mom!) have gone on every campout and sat in on every meeting to make sure everything is going okay. His anxiety is still there, but (for the most part) only at night on the campouts. At this past weeks meeting, I could not have been prouder when an Order of the Arrow presentation was given by a visiting Scout and while the rest of the troop sat there in silence and seemingly bored, only my son asked questions and intelligent ones at that. It was great. Yesterday the Scoutmaster sent out an email asking who was going to be going to summer camp. My husband and I did not push our son to attend the week long overnight camp last year but feel that it is important and something he has been working towards this year. Since I have been attending with him, I figured, either my husband or I would go (or split the week) as well. So I responded that the scout would attend this year. Shocking, I received an email back today that I doubt Ill surprise either of you when I say I have concerns about my son spending the week at camp. Well yes, actually, I was surprised. Not only have I worked to help my son, but my sons scoutmaster is well aware that I have taken up the bigger cause and started a Special Needs Task Force for the local district. I have ordered the Autism Empowerment Training Kit for our Troop. I have developed a Info Sheet for incoming scouts for Special Needs because I know there are other kids out there that are at risk for losing out on the benefits of scouting if they take the easy way out. This is not a decision my husband and I took on lightly. We are working with my sons counselor on a plan to deal with his anxiety for a one week camp that is still six months away. I am sorry to vent but I am trying not to thrust every defensive tiger mom mode and send the scoutmaster every website of how camping and boy scouts benefits kids with autism. In a subsequent email it came out that at a day long event two weeks ago that I did not accompany the troop on my son separated himself from his troop (not to disappear and not for long) but now, almost two weeks later is when I hear about it and only because I responded that I am sending him to camp. I would have concerns too! As a parent, I am concerned I was not told of that happening almost two weeks ago! If you have any guidance, I would really appreciate it. Autism and Scouting has already responded back to this mom but I asked it I could put it out there to you all for your responses. She said yes. How would you respond?
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 19:38:09 +0000

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