Quoting Robert Walker, Zelda Williams is leaving social media - TopicsExpress


Quoting Robert Walker, Zelda Williams is leaving social media because shes been getting abuse over her dads death. And Im not talking about lighthearted trolling... tee hee hee... the snarky ribbing or meme posting we all do here to occasionally to push a few buttons. I mean... hard... core... ABUSE. Messed. Up. Shit. As Mat Williams (Welshy) just noted elsewhere, some people literally think The internet gives you the right to talk shit, hurt people and have no repercussions. I want to make something perfectly clear -- It is NOT a right. It is a CHOICE. And its a BAD choice. If you do it, youre an asshole, you should feel like an asshole, and you should turn off your computer, sit in your room, and rethink your asshole life. And, God willing, if you come out less of an asshole and want to rejoin the rest of us non-assholes, then go for it! We can forgive. But we, as a collection of supposedly INTELLIGENT creatures that spent eons getting past the shit throwing stage in the jungle, should not TOLERATE it. Rights are an abstract concept. The reality is any one of us has the freedom to do whatever we want at any moment in our lives. Some people figure that out and become better people. Some figure that out and become psychos. But just because we have the freedom to do anything, that doesnt mean that we SHOULD. You dont have the RIGHT to do whatever you want on the internet, you have the ABILITY. If I pick up a starving hitchhiker in the desert and there are no witnesses around, do I have the RIGHT to kill him? No. I have the ABILITY. Does that mean I SHOULD kill him? Well, according to internet logic, sure! Why? Because I have perfect anonymity! The situation gives me the ABILITY to do it! But I wont kill somebody even if there are no witnesses. Why? BECAUSE IM NOT A PSYCHOTIC ASSHOLE! And if you think its your RIGHT to harass people on the internet, then do me a favor: go look in the mirror and harass yourself. Thats right. Look yourself in the eye and unleash the troll. You know, if you actually have the courage to face yourself. Do you feel absolutely ridiculous yelling at yourself? Pretty silly, huh? Do you feel better when you call yourself a loser? Odds are, probably not. Now pretend that mirror is sitting right in front of your keyboard. Right where your monitor would be. Apply as needed.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 19:50:37 +0000

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