RADIO OUTLINE Palo, or Las Reglas de Congo are a group of closely - TopicsExpress


RADIO OUTLINE Palo, or Las Reglas de Congo are a group of closely related religions or denominations, which developed in the Spanish colonies of the Caribbean amongst Central African slaves of mostly Bantu ancestry. Other names associated with various branches of this religion include Mayombe, Briyumba and Kimbisa. Membership is by initiation into a house or Temple. The organizational structure follows the model of a family. . History Palo roots r in the Congo central Africa, a great part of Palo Montes liturgical chants and invocations are in a mixture of the Spanish and Kikongo languages. the mid 19th century Palo spread among the Venezuelan and Afro-Latino communities in the United States . it remains largely Afro-Latino the religion started in Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic or Cuba, In Puerto Rico, the city of Guayama became nicknamed the city of witches The Palo belief system rests on two main pillars: 1. The veneration of the spirits of the ancestors. 2. The belief in natural (earth) powers. Natural objects, and particularly sticks, are thought to be infused with powers, often linked to the powers of spirits. These objects are known as nganga and are the ritual focus of Palos magical rites and religious practice. A certain number of spirits called Kimpungulu (singular: Mpungu) inhabit the Nkisi (sacred objects, also spelled Inquice, Inquise, and Enkisi). Kimpungulu are well known in name and deed, and are venerated as gods. They are powerful entities, but they are ranked below the High God Zambi or Nzambi. The main practice of Palo focuses upon the religious receptacle or altar known as a Nganga or Prenda. This is a consecrated vessel filled with sacred earth, sticks (palos), human remains, bones and other items. Each Nganga is dedicated to a specific spiritual Nkisi. This religious vessel is also inhabited by a muerto or spirit of the dead , also referred to as Nfumbe, who acts as a guide for all religious activities performed with the Nganga. Various divination methods are used in Palo. One, Chamalongos uses shells or disks of various materials, often coconut shells. A more traditional method, Vititi Mensú, is a form of envisioning or scrying, using a sanctified animal horn capped with a mirror. Syncretism Religious syncretism can be seen in houses of Palo, called Palo Cristiano, the use of the cross and images of Catholic saints as representations of the Nkisi. . The name Palo Judio literally means Jewish Palo, The identity of the Nkisi associate the Nkisi with the Orishas of Santería, Because of Kardecian syncretism in many houses of Palo, a spiritual Misa is often held before the initiation, in order to identify the main spirits which will help to develop ones life. These guides often speak also through possession, and may give direct advice. Related religions . In Brazil Umbanda, Quimbanda, Candomblé de Congo, or Condomble de Angola. . In Jamaica, the Bahamas, and the Virgin Islands, Congo based religions are called Kumina, or when seen as a form of magic without liturgical worship, as Obeah. Closely related to Palo , is hoodoo, conjure, or rootwork, . In Haiti there is a Vodou denomination known as Makaya that is similar to Palo. Pantheon The highest level of the Palo pantheon is creator god, Nzambi. The Kimpungulu (singular: Mpungu) of Palo Mayombe are spirits or deities encapsulated in sacred vessels (Nkisi), representing aspects of nature, such as thunder, agriculture, or wind. Other spirits that can inhabit the Nkisi are Nfuri (wandering spirits or wraiths), Bakalu (spirits of ancestors), and Nfumbe (anonymous spirits). Higher gods Nzambi (Nsambi, Sambia, Nsambiampungo, Pungun Sambia, Sambia Liri, Sambia Surukuru, Sambi Bilongo) - not an actual Mpungu, but a higher god, creator of the cosmos. Equivalent to Yoruba Olorun. Lungombe (Lukankanse, Kadiampembe) - negative aspect of Nzambi Kimpungulu Kobayende (Cobayende, Pata Llaga, Tata Pansua, Tata Nfumbe, Tata Funde, Tata Fumbe, Pungun Futila, Tata Kañeñe) - king of the dead, god of diseases, associated with San Lazaro, eq. Babalu Aye. Mariguanda (Pungu Mama Wanga, Centella Ndoki, Yaya Kengue, Mariwanga, Mama Linda, Campo Santo) - gatekeeper between life and death. Associated with Santa Teresa & Oya Iansan Gurunfinda - god of forest and herbs. Associated with San Noberto non Nato or San Silvestre, eq. Ozain. Nkuyu (Nkuyo, Mañunga, Lubaniba, Lucero) - Deity of woods and roads, guidance and balance. Associated with San Antonio, eq. Elegua. Má Lango (Madre de Agua, Kalunga, Mama Kalunga, Pungo Kasimba, Mama Umba, Mbumba Mamba, Nkita Kiamasa, Nkita Kuna Mamba, Baluande) - goddess of water and fertility. Known also as the Virgin of Regla, the patroness of Havana harbor, eq, Yemaja. Chola Wengue (Mama Chola, Chola nengue) - goddess of richness and pleasures. Associated with La Virgin de la Caridad del Cobre, the Patron Saint of Cuba, eq. Oshun. Kimbabula (Kabanga, Madioma, Mpungo Lomboan Fula, Nsambia Munalembe, Tonde, Daday, Munalendo, Padre Tiempo) - god of divination and winds. Associated with Saint Francis, eq. Orunmila. Watariamba (Watariamba, Nkuyo Lufo, Nguatariamba Enfumba Bata, Saca Empeño, Cabo Rondo, Vence Bataya) - god of hunt and war. Associated with John the Baptist, eq. Ochosi Nsasi (Nsambi Munalembe, Siete Rayos, Mukiamamuilo, Nsasi) - god of thunder and fire, equivalent to Santa Barbara, eq. Shango. Ma Kengue (Yola, Tiembla Tierra, Pandilanga, Mama Kengue) - spirit of wisdom and justice. This Mpungu is associated with La Virgin de las Mercedes & Obatala. Sarabanda (Zarabanda, Rompe Monte) - deity of work and strength. Associated with Saint Peter, eq. Oggun. Grave desecration Palo has been linked to a rash of grave robbing in Venezuela. Residents report that many of the graves at Caracas Cementerio General del Sur have been pried open to have their contents removed for use in Palo ceremonies.[1] In Newark, N.J., a Palo follower was found to have the remains of at least two dead bodies inside pots within the basement, along with items looted from one of the tombs.[2]
Posted on: Thu, 01 May 2014 12:05:07 +0000

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