RAILA SHOULD BE DISPATCHED TO HIS BONDO HOME, PLACED UNDER AN INDEFINITE HOUSE ARREST BEFORE 7/7; President Uhuru should crack the wipe and place Raila Odinga under house arrest immediately. Raila is increasingly becoming troublesome and he is likely to plunge the country into anarchy. President Uhuru is mandated constitutionally to protect Kenyans to the hilt. He must act to Protect Raila and fellow Kenyans in what is in the offing. If Raila is permitted to take to the street, he will be accompanied by many young and innocent Kenyans. They are likely to pelt motorist with stones, they are likely to uproot trees, they are likely to cut twigs and scatter them on the road thus increasing the burden to those assigned to clean the streets, they are likely to quench their thirst with other people’s sodas and likely get extremely tempted to destroy properties. If Raila convince a mammoth to accompany him to the street, He is likely to encounter fellow Kenyans who not only detest hooliganism but are willing to protect and sustain the much needed peace. They too are likely to repulse the surging lot under Raila’s command, they are likely to use their hands to push them away from the street and if they scatter away, they are likely to pursue the fleeing Raila adherents with stones falling down from their own pockets and briefcases. Such melee can affect the commander himself and several people. International communities meanwhile will CNN that Kenya is on fire and might place a travel ban to the county. They are likely to highlight that Jubilee government is prosecuting the opposition leader and peaceful demonstrators. Such concerns are likely to escalate and make the country go the Irag , Croatia,Somalia way. Now to save the land, Uhuru must despatch Raila aptly to theperimeters of Bondo but leave a window for medical treatment locally or abroad. Sometime ago, His Father Jaramogi Obadiah Adonija Ajuma odinga oginga exhibited the same symptoms during the KANU era, Daniel of Kabarak who loves Kenyan children dearly confined Jaramogi to the region of Omweri in Nyanza province. The farthest Jaramogi could go was Bondo trading centre for minced meat, Nyuga and a tilapia. When Jaramogi emerged from house arrest, he was soo… grown and mature. He equated Moi to a giraffe with a long neck. A person who could see far politically and care for the country economically with famous philosophy of love, peace and unity. When Jaramogi finally came out, he had a brand new perspective view politically; he anointed Kijana wamalwa his successor in Ford Kenya at the expense of his son Raila. Later on, as we know, Raila fought Kijana wamalwa in FORD-K at Kasarani but was desperately vanquished. After the “training” Raila is likely to equate Uhuru to somebody standing on Mt. Kenya and looking far in his governance and devolution of resources. While Raila is confined to house arrest, the government should give him some material to work on as he waits to complete “Jaramogi” training process. Heshould be given opportunity to explain the fate of funds he collected from poor people of Nyanza purporting to purchase molasses plant yet rumors alleges that the money was diverted to a GAS company in Nairobi. This could be true or mere allegations. It is upto Raila to straighten the same. Raila should be given time to reflect on his political trials and what he has done to the poor. He led the largest slum area in Africa for over a decade and he did not reverse the poverty trend in Kibera. When he was in USA recently, he should have solicited support for Kibera at least. Kenyans in USA could have given him overwhelming support, if he came up with a plan to ease Kibera of poverty. He landed home empty handed and is about to take the poor and hungry souls to battlefields just because he needs dialogue…..really?. When in house arrest, Raila should ponder over his nomadic migration partywise. He moved from FORD to FORD-K, NDP, KANU, LDP, ODM etc. In each partly he lodged, he caused mayhem and untold suffering to fellow leaders. He rocked the party and left confusion and division but not peace and prosperity.He should reflect on his KIBAKI TOSHA slogan which turned out to nusu mkate later. He should consider where Jomo was wrong to Jaramogi, why Moi was wrong until Raila joined KANU with his NDP party, why Kibaki was wrong until he accepted to run the country together and why Uhuru is wrong right now…hopefully until he accepts to create some position for Raila. Finally, Uhuru should move fast to protect, Raila, innocent Kenyans and the entire country by placing Tinga under house arrest. Merits of having him within the perimeters of his homestead supersede the consequences of allowing him to maraud the streets of Nairobi. The worst is the usual complains from NGOs and western world but at least no Kenyan soul will be lost. No blood will be shed and no property will be destroyed. That is crucial and paramount. CC. Bureti Netebes
Posted on: Sun, 15 Jun 2014 04:42:07 +0000

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