RAMALAN YERO: WHEN FACED WITH A BETTER OPTION - These are certainly not the best of times for Kaduna State. Beside being trapped in the same epidemic which President Jonathans regime has turned into, the state is also trapped with another accidental and obviously clueless leader, Ramalan Yero. I was horrified when I listened to a voice clip in which the governor tried to vent out the bottled anger frying him. His source of misery was no other than Malam Nasir El-Rufai. I feel sorry for El-Rufai that politics, being what it is, should pitch him with an empty headed fellow who seemed carried away by his accidental fortune to even know his mates. Anybody who had the misfortune of listening to the mentioned voice clip will be hit with a sad realization of the pathetic situation Kaduna State was plunged into by fate. Who could imagine Kaduna in the hands of a timid, visionless and unweaned political attachment like Yero? Even more amazing is the fact that Yero is yet to comprehend the whys and hows he is what he is today. In his confused mind, he seem comfortably convinced that he became a governor purely on his own merit and political worthiness. Not only that, he seem to believe he have the constitutional privilege of having the good people of the state swimming in the same sea of stupidity with him. Thats by the way. For a start, lets analyse Yeros seeming discomfort with El-Rufais qualification to govern Kaduna State based on the fact that El-Rufais sojourn in public service begins and ends with his FCT ministerial job. It saddens me having to waste time educate this fellow on the most basic thing a person privileged to occupy the office of a governor should know - the constitutional requirement that pegged qualification to vie for the office of a governor to simple secondary school certificate or primary school certificate with 10 years working experience. Ordinarily I will assume Yero, despite his boastful reminder that he was once a commissioner a Finance - which seem to be the highest point of his resume - could easily agree that there is more brain in El-Rufais fingertip than could possibly be expected in his Commissioner of Finance/Deputy Governor/Governor head. With irreducible level intelligence, His Excellency should have known that Malam Nasir is a self made man who made his name strictly on the quality of his brain and not by being an appendage of a godfather or by being at the right place at the right time. Although Yero acknowledged El-Rufai was once a minister of the FRN which, clearly put him out of league with local champions whose political expose is restricted to the boundaries of their home states, what he refused to say was the fact that El-Rufai is not your run of the mill or everyday minister. He was a minister who came, saw and conquered. Not only that, his presence in the FCT ministry was felt throughout the country and is still being appreciated. Most importantly, not only was he appointed on merit, he was lobbied to accept. Perhaps, the confidence Obasanjo had in him was the reason why he was as powerful or even more powerful than a sitting Vice President. At least, we are not going to argue that El-Rufai wielded more power as FCT minister than Yeros godfather could ever dream of wielding as a Vice President. Perhaps, thats the sad truth giving the hopelessly ambitious accidental big man sleepless night. Of course, its easy to understand Yeros source of hopelessness. His ascension to power beside being accidental was entirely the effort of his godfather who today is battling his demons to be bothered with a leechlike appendage hence, Yeros wild uncoordinated strokes which he think should take him out of the turbulent sea of uncertainty he today found himself in. Its not unexpected that Yero found solace in the overused Justice Bashir Sambo line which has been punctured for the ruse it was. Had Yero not being so busy practicing sycophancy, he could have read El-Rufais book, The Accidental Public Servant which satisfactorily dealt with the issue. Still, if Yero could harness enough intellectual energy to write his own side of story, it will be nice, especially for the opportunity it will offer El-Rufai to take this overzealous fellow to cleaners. I dare him. On a brighter side, the unavoidable premature political retirement facing Yero may not be too hard to handle. At least he could use the lonely days to learn the constitution of Nigeria which, against his erroneous belief does not give a governor the power to demolish his opponents houses as he childishly bragged he could demolish Malam Nasirs house. Who could imagine a governor could nurse these silly beliefs. And yes! Yero is free to keep pursuing his ambition of stopping El-Rufai by telling the people he is from Katsina state. Its a good line for two reasons. First, it will not harm El-Rufais ambition because majority voters in Kaduna State are more educated in the rudiments of Nigerias politics than the governor to know that El-Rufai is eligible to vie for the office. Secondly, Katsinawa eligible to vote in Kaduna State will get to know what Yero think of them and deal with him appropriately. Honestly, I feel like dragging February 28th just to sweep this trash away.
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 22:56:33 +0000

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