RANDOM ESSAY #16 PEOPLE WHO DON’T WAKE UP EARLY I’ve tried waking up early and it’s hard. The act in itself would be easier if there weren’t other people who are still awake when it’s time for you to be asleep that need your help or just want to bother you. It’s hard to stay on a rise/set early schedule because of other people who make you stay up longer than you want. The only real big difference between waking up early and any other normal time is that when you wake up early there’s more daylight. Since the invention of electricity and the light this routine would only be useful if you worked outside. So many people wake up early thinking that it’s a good thing because it shows you have motivation to get things done when in reality, in this day and age; you can do as much work as anybody else no matter what time it is you set your alarm. A person who wakes up at 12 p.m. can do the same amount of work if not more than a person who wakes up at 4:30 a.m. There are some advantages that one who wakes up early has and that would be saving money on electricity, having the availability to visit open stores, restaurants, and businesses, and having everyone looking at them like they’re great because they wake up at 4:30 a.m. I want you to understand that waking up early isn’t hard as long as you can stick to your sleep schedule. You basically have to enforce it with the people around you and if you don’t your sleep cycle will be thrown for a loop and everything will be out of sync. I got out of the habit of waking up early because I just didn’t see any use for it, but I know that waking up early is considered the norm for those who actually want to get things done. I understand how you can get more done when there’s more daylight. Tonight I’m going to try to get back on my schedule of waking up at 4:30 a.m. because I’m going to have to get used to it either way. I’m joining the Airforce after I get 9 more credits in college. I know that this schedule is common practice and that I better get used to it quick. I have to go to bed at 8 p.m. no matter what. I have to show more self control than I did at my last attempt which was pathetic. I’m sure it only lasted a couple of days, but it is possible to train my brain in ways in which I’m not used to aka adaptation. One disadvantage of this is that it revolves around working, working, and working. It leaves no time for anything else. You life becomes consumed with your job and nothing else. I hate the idea of being in and out the door everyday passing your family with a brief conversation then off to work. It feels monotonous and nazistic. I might just not be as mature as I thought I was. Overtime I may be able to shake off these feelings of being alone without a real purpose only to just earn money. I feel as if I’ve evolved from the mouse race of high school to the rat race of life. I shouldn’t be so pessimistic with my views because it’s not as bad as I think. I mean what else is there in life other than to earn your ways with whatever skill it is that you’ve acquired over the many years you’ve been given to perfect it? We have to stick to things we don’t necessarily like because if we don’t then we die. Survival of the fittest I suppose. I’ll learn my purpose soon enough and I’m obviously not ready to play the game because if I were these ideas wouldn’t be floating around in my mind and I would just be thankful that I have the chance to be a part of a working society and not down on my luck living on the street. The thought that it could be worse can usually snap me out of my nonchalant thoughts and attitude. I always seem to go off on a tangent and begin to throw my own thoughts on life within each essay. I don’t know if I should continue this or just stop it because it’s off-topic and that means if this were graded there would be points deducted. That’s another thing I have to change and get used to. I’m sure this would be marked up, down, left, and right for irrelevancy. I need to rework my writing strategy. I need to make an outline for six things I can talk about and then further emphasize on each one. I’m sure that if I do that then in future papers I’ll have much more to say. The whole reason I’m writing or at least trying to write a paper each day is to increase my writing skills because they’ve always been weak and I blame that on the fact that it was something in school that we rarely did. It seems to be the opposite in college now which is confusing. They really should’ve had us write more papers in high school. I do realize the error and I’m making up for it. There are a lot of things in life that you can rely on others to do for you. When you see can more do it.
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 16:47:23 +0000

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