#RANT ! So for all of you nosey nellies, jealous green-eyed - TopicsExpress


#RANT ! So for all of you nosey nellies, jealous green-eyed monsters, and not to mention the miserable like tale packers who have such crappy lives that they have nothing better to do than to talk bad about everyone else, I would just like for ALL of you to know a few things! 1. I AM NOT PREGNANT AND PREGNANCY OR BABIES HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH OUR ENGAGEMENT OR OUR QUICK WEDDING DATE! 2. I did not beg, con, seduce, or drug Travis or any other stupid unreasonable thing you people can come up with as to why hes marrying me. 3. My past is an open book for him. He knows the truth and all of the rumors as well. Youve all made sure of that! But I was honest and open from day one! Oh and um I know about his past as well! Everyone has one! 4. If you have been around us for even a minute you can see how much we love one another. Actually if you just look at our facebooks or even hear one of us talk about the other one, you would know! 5. This whole beach wedding/Florida wedding on September 17, thats ALL Traviss baby! I told him I didnt care if we went to the courthouse or flew to china! Doesnt even matter if he wanted to save up $20k and have a blow out party in Manchester. I dont care. I love him. Its going to be a special day to me no matter what. I wanted him to have his dream wedding. And if you truly know Travis Eversole then you know he loves Florida and the beach with all of his heart. It just makes sense to do it there. And as for the date. Its perfect. Its his vacation week that has been planned since December 2013. And it happens to be his late Fathers birthday. And again, if you know Travis then you know his dad was his world and he misses him everyday. So he loves the idea of doing it on his birthday as a token of remembrance to BP...... This is pathetic that I have to sit and explain anything to anyone! You all arent bothering me! You will think what you want of me no matter how much I change or what good things I do. You will still think of me the same. Even my supposedly family that Im highly disappointed in who never congratulated me on Facebook. Thank you all and kiss my butt. :) like you all are SO perfect! But have any of you who supposedly care about Travis and think Im some kind of devil witch, have you all ever stopped to think that maybe youre hurting HIS feelings?? That he loves me with everything in him and hes the happiest hes ever been in his life and he wants everyone to be happy for and with him? Did any of you stop and think about that? Or have you all been too busy trying to come up with some jacked up reason why hes marrying me other than he loves me? Weve been dating almost a year. And not just dating. Weve been on the road trucking with one a other almost 24/7 for almost a year. If we dont know ever freckle on each others asses by now we never will! So this is a big rant and the reason for it is I love Travis so much. And if any of you even think you love him.... And youve been doing and thinking all of these things about him and I... Then you should honestly be ashamed of yourselves. I am wonderful to him. Just ask him! Ask anyone who had ever been around us! He doesnt even cut up his own food! Much less fix his own food! And I bet he doesnt remember the last time he got his own pop. Or washed his own clothes. Or even picked out his own clothes because I lay them out for him!! I even run his shower water for him and sometimes even put toothpaste on his tooth brush for him!! I love him and no I dont have any money but I do my best to take care of him and show my appreciation and love with the things I do for him. No matter how big or small! And for the longest time I wouldnt even let him buy me food half the time because I didnt want people like you thinking I was using him for money. I told him no on buying me things more times than I can count! Until he got mad and said I was hurting his feelings that he wanted me to have nice things and he worked his ass off for me. Logahn. His family and if he cant buy his family nice things then what was the point of having money? So I decided I wasnt doing him that way because of what jealous small town bullshit gossip had to say. We are engaged. We are getting married September 17. He asked ME! We are in love! Crazy in love! And we are going to have more children and have our happy little family together no matter what anyone says or thinks! So you can love us, be happy for us, and celebrate with us, or you can keep to yourselves and stay away from us from now on! Makes no difference. Because on 9/17 two become one and thats just the way it is! Thanks and love! Lindsey & Travis ! #inthistogether #crazyinlove #sayingido #YOUdontmatter #engaged #smalltownbullshit. AND FURTHER MORE! IF ANYONE IS CRAZY ENOUGH TO THINK THAT I AM MAKING TRAVIS MARRY ME THEN YOU ARE CRAZIER THAN HELL AND YOU DONT KNOW TRAVIS AT ALL!! NOBODY CAN MAKE HIM DO ANYTHING! HES THE MOST STUBBORN MAN WHO EVER LIVED! And he is 29 years old and has waited that long to find the love of his life without jumping into a marriage early on! Does anyone honestly think he hasnt thought about this??? Or he isnt sure? Just because some of you have had bad experiences with marriage doesnt mean he will! Get over it! If anyone has had bad experiences with past marriages its me! If anyone was terrified and nervous its been me! Hes all in for it! And Im right there with him! We are so sick and tired of seeing certain people with their faces puffed up at us and us standing there glowing and happy and people say are you sure? Are you happy? What the hell do you all think? Nah were not sure but gues we will give it a try? No we arent happy but maybe things will change? Give me a break...AND THIS IS ALL FROM THE TWO OF US AND WE SURE AS HELL DONT EXPECT ANY LIKES OR COMMENTS AND WE HONESTLY LOOK FOR HAVING A LOT OF PEOPLE DELETE US AND WAKE UP TO A LOT LESS FRIENDS ON OUR LISTS! OH WELL! WERENT MUCH OF OUR FRIENDS, FAMILY. OR SUPPORTERS TO BEGIN WITH!!
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 03:53:52 +0000

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