RAW TRUTH BEHIND GAZA-ISRAEL CONFLICT Being the proud Zionist - TopicsExpress


RAW TRUTH BEHIND GAZA-ISRAEL CONFLICT Being the proud Zionist Jew that I am, just for kicks, I go mocking the ignorant morons who support Gaza (especially the ones with Free Gaza avatar). I just get on their twitter channel and comment on their barmy accusations about how Israel commits genocide, kills Palestinian children for no good reason and how were after their (supposedly fertile) premises. Really, babycakes? Been to Gaza lately? Theres nothing worth killing (or dying) for out there. Its a ghost town. Gaza makes Pripyat, Chernobyl look like Reno. HAMAS plays everyone for a fool, spoon feeding western media with dubious reports. Behold the creativity, Broski... Last night a HAMAS missile misfired causing a blood bath in a local Gaza hospital. 10 people killed. 40 injured. Guess where HAMAS spokesman pointed his hairy nazi finger? Israel! Do they have any proof other than half dozen Palestinian eye-witnesses? No. They. Do. Not. Its a he said, she said kind of deal. And the western media ate this whopper up no questions asked. Next thing you know Obama sends in a guy who has his had up his ass to put an end to the massacre. Its like asking a pro football player to fix the indoor plumbing -- youre going to end up with knee deep in feces. People who live here know you it. HAMAS knows it. And Obama knows it. But I guess he just doesnt give a hoot! Well, me neither. As far as Im concerned, my familys safe, sales keep coming in and Ive got a whole lots of awesome clients to serve every day. This is what I love most about my business: When you set it the way I do, You laugh all the way to the bank every day like clockwork no matter if youre getting shot at or put down by the media. Its the same way I teach my clients set theirs. Want me to teach you too? Enroll at: TheListBuildingLifeStyle Theres a marketing lesson here too, in case you missed it. Check this out: Western media cherry picks facts that fit their story (Israel=Nazi Germany). They publish any rumor that supports the anti-Israeli POV while completely ignoring any fact that pokes a hole in their bull. I see the gooroos do it all the time. Whenever you scroll down a long letter bragging about list size, but not income made with the list. Or Facebook ad conversions without ad spend/revenue ratio. These are false metrics. Why would you need a list if no one buys anything? Whats a point of driving 5 million clicks just get to 15 optins? In psychology they refer to this as Texas Sharp Shooter Its when you cherry pick a data cluster to suit your argument or found a pattern to fit presumption. Its convenient, especially when youre pushing crap to unsuspecting newbies. Dont do that. It makes you look bad and people stop trusting you. Instead, be upfront about the flaws of whatever youre promoting. Like this link I want you to click right now -- thelistbuildinglifestyle/ -- it doesnt work well if you dont invest at least 4 hours a day minimum in your business. No chance, droog, no chance in hell. It requires two hours of effort every single day. Consistently. For at least a couple of weeks before youll see any results worth writing home about. (Not sooner. Unless youre unusually gifted marketer) If you are, you should expect faster results. For details visit: thelistbuildinglifestyle/ Igor Kheifets P.S. 10:17pm. Tuesday. Two lane highway running through the middle of Negev desert. I hit the breaks, put the car in Park and kill the engine. I then calmly instruct Anastasia to get out, move 30ft. away from the vehicle and lie down. I then make myself comfortable next to her and we wait for the *boom* (signaling the Iron Dome successfully taking down a HAMAS rocket 3000 ft. above us). This just about sums up our date night last week. As I was covering my head with my arms, I pondered on luck. And how lucky I am for having something thatll keep putting food on the table for my family long after Im gone Want some of that good stuff too? Then head over to: thelistbuildinglifestyle/
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 20:47:06 +0000

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