REALITY OF LIFE -BAKANO. Life,in its entirety,is pure slavery and - TopicsExpress


REALITY OF LIFE -BAKANO. Life,in its entirety,is pure slavery and enslavement. One is either partly a slave or partly an enslaver. One thing is certain,all of us are circumstantial slaves or enslavers. Anybody that tells and convinces you otherwise, enslaves you. Watch it,therefore! Freedom? What a deceitful illusion! The word itself is questionable! O Liberty! What crimes are committed in your name!. Exclaimed Marie Jeanne Philipon Roland (1754-93) French Revolution Mark Bakanos words,Fellow Intellectuals, Man will never genuinely be free from questionable chains,because these chains are both artificially or naturally made and meant to be and remain numerous. Solution? Well,when enslaving others,endeavor to be as HUMANE as possible,because the degree to which you pressurize your slaves (juniors), would be the extent to which their subsequent slaves would definitely undergo. If you presently are enslaved, then be reasonable and tolerant toward your enslavers(seniors),but remain determined to scale through. Remember! Rebellion would either double,or even triple your circumstantially destined sufferings. Years after discovering and presenting the fact above,I got hold of Harry Millners remarkable work,Pearls Of Wisdom; and I learned that, No one can be perfectly free till all are free; no one can be perfectly moral till all are moral; no one can be perfectly happy till all are happy. Herbert Spencer (1820-1903) English philosopher (Social Statistics,1851) Now,the question is this: How would it ever be possible for all to be perfectly free,moral and happy? Only in the movie world! But not realistically on this planet Earth! Why? It is because... Man is naturally a slave. He is artificially enslaved. This enslavement varies in degree and type. Man pays for the enslavement. Slavery has neither stopped nor will it ever be stopped [forget that bullshit called 1807 eradication of the gruesome Trans-Atlantic Slavery and Slave Trade],because the forces that enforce the enslavement have not only been well-established,revised and disguised, but maintained, and of course,getting renowned and re-institutionalized. Man shall therefore live ENSLAVED forever. Bakano A.M.;Questionable Questions,2011 Look! Fellow Intellectuals! Man is condemned to be free. Jean-Paul Sartre,1905-80, French Philosopher and writer (Existentialism and Humanism,1948) Now,look at the following fact: MAN IS BORN FREE,but everywhere he is in chains. Jean Jacques Rousseau, 1712-78, Swiss-born French Philosopher (The Social Contract,1762) Mr. Rousseau was dead WRONG in the first part of the fact above. Yes! But the second part is 100% CORRECT. I wish the philosopher is still alive,so I meet to whisper the following fact to him: THINK OF THE UNBLICAL CORD,Sir,we all have had to have ours CUT OFF! And,would you remember the cry we all cried the very moment we were Born? Yes! That would have definitely reminded him that Man was never really born free! And yes, never meant to live free from circumstantial chains! Now,look! How sure are you that Bakanos perspective on this reality of life is accurate,unbiased and intellectual? Reason to realize! Lets find a possible solace to the unnecessarily enslaved souls on earth. BAKANO A.M.;2011 ................................... © BAKANO A.MURTALA 2014 Excerpt from: Bakano A. M.; Questionable Questions;2011
Posted on: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 03:05:07 +0000

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