REASONS WHY I AM VOTING FOR UPND & HH AND WHY EVERY ZAMBIAN SHOULD DO LIKEWISE: I am voting for HH because I understand that certain standards that I need or zambians need are of health, education, housing, employment and so on so forth and are essential if the nation is to be kept peaceful; income is right to which every family is entitled even if through illness, industrial re-organisation or the old age bread winner, although right now many individuals are temporarily unable to earn it whilst others have lost hope of ever earning it. I believe a close watch must be kept on national income, for that is the sole source of payment for all the welfare services that are to be provided to our people today and tomorrow, but alas! this isnt the case in the current government. I believe governments role is to stimulate the aggregate net product of the people, so as to have for goodness sake a large cake for everyone to share. But this is not happening today, only few individuals are enjoying tax payers sweat. I believe the government must devise optimum uses of our nations resources; train labour for a wide variety of of new jobs, and retrain it when a change of technology results in the withering away of old industries. But this is not happening. I believe the government must be very much interested in the national income, it must be measured, considered and criticised; it must be stimulated and expanded if possible, and restrained if it changes in undesirable ways. As the chosen representative of the people, the government has a mandate or responsibility to pursue particular policies and exert particular influences on the nations income. I believe the size of the nations income depends upon the quantity and quality of the factor endowment at its disposal. A nation could be rich if its endowments of natural resources are large, its people skilled, and if it has a useful accumulation of capital assets. This country needs a leader that will help people to be self-sufficient, stimulate capital resources, enhance human resources, encourage education, make use of our natural resources and encourage farming. A leader who understands that growth in the economy is measured by the percentage increase in output actually produced. Zambians should be confident that with UPND and HH, there is going to be ways and plans to increase potential growth through increasing the quantity of labour and capital or raising productivity through technology, better education and training and better organisations. Who else is objective enough to vote for HH?
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 17:39:20 +0000

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