REB HRON’S PARSHA QUIZ – “VAYIKRA” 1)”He called - TopicsExpress


REB HRON’S PARSHA QUIZ – “VAYIKRA” 1)”He called Moshe”…The sound of Hashems voice would be cut off and not go outside the Ohel Moed (Rashi)…QUESTION: Where else in History do we find one person hearing a voice and another person not hearing the voice? ANSWER: When Shmuel Hanovie was a young lad and lived with Eli the Kohen, he heard a voice calling him three times, he thought it was Eli calling him but Eli told him he did not call him, nor did he hear the voice. By the 4th time, Shmuel responded to the voice… it was his first Prophesy (See Shmuel-1 chapter 3) 2) QUESTION: Where in history do we find one person seeing an Angel, while 3 other prophets standing next to him did not see the Angel? ANSWER: “Daniel” was standing by the Tigris river (“Chidekel”) with “Chagi, Zechrya and Malachi” when he suddenly saw an Angel standing in front of him, while his 3 colleagues did not see him. The Gemora (Megilah 3b) concludes that while they did not see him, nevertheless they were frightened and hid, for “Even if they did not see him, their “Mazol” saw him” 3)”An offering to Hashem, from the animals”…QUESTION: Which species may be used for a Korban? ANSWER: There are 10 kosher animals, 3 are domesticated and 7 are wild animals (Devarim 14:4). For a Korban, only domesticated animals may be used and they are… 1) sheep 2) goats 3) cattle (bulls, rams, oxen) and 2 birds may be used, the turtle dove and baby dove. 4) QUESTION: The book of Vayikra is also known as? ANSWER: It is also called “Toras Kohanim” which is also another name for the Halachik Medrash on Vayikra called “Sifra” which was written by “Rav” to explain the sources of the Mishnah (Rambam, Introduction to “Mishneh Torah”) 5) QUESTION: Which Jewish kings were most Knowledgeable in Toras Kohanim? ANSWER: The Gemora (Sanhedrin 103b) states that King Menashe (Yehudah) King Achav (Northern Israel) and Yeravom Ben Nevat (first king of northern Israel) were most knowledgeable in the Halachos of Toras Kohanim, yet they were the worst sinners in our History. The “Maharsha” describes them as “Knowing their master (very well) and determined to rebel against him” 6) QUESTION: Every morning before Shachris we say the Mishnah of “Eizehu Mekoman” and the “Beraisa of Reb Yishmael” so that we study everyday Mishnah and Talmud…Why were specifically chosen from all the other Mishnos and Gemoros? ANSWER: Shachris corresponds to the daily morning offering and through studying the laws of Korbonos it’s as if one brought the actual Korbon. Another point brought in Shulchan Uruch (50:1) that based on the Mishnah using the phrase “inside the curtains” (“Lifnim Min Ha’kloim”, there were no curtains in the B.H. only in the Mishkan) to describe the courtyard of the Beis Hamikdash, it would appear that this Mishnah is attributed to Moshe Rabbeinu himself and that is why we do not find any arguments in this Mishneh. 7) QUESTION: The Mishnah of “Eizehu Mekomon” has no arguments, what was the first argument that is recorded in the Mishnah and how does it relate to Toras Kohanim? ANSWER: Until the time of “Yosi ben Yoezer” and “Yosi ben Yochanan” there were no recorded disputes between the sages. They were known as the first of 5 “Zugos” (Pairs, to head the Sanhedrin during the second Beis Hamikdash) one being the “Av Beis Din” and the other the Nassi. They are mentioned in the 1st Perek of Pirkei Avos. The dispute revolved around the issue of “Semicha” (pressing of the hands on the head of the Korban before the shechitah) of an individual Korban on Yom Tov. This dispute continued throughout the era of the Zugos, until it was resolved in the time of Hillel and Shamai. (See Chagigah 16a) NOTE: Hillel and Shamai themselves only had 3 arguments, it was not until the time of Beis Hillel and Beis Shamai that arguments became commonplace in the Mishnah. 8) QUESTION: Which gentile king received reward for bringing Korbonos even though he was not sincere in bringing them? ANSWER: “Balak the king of Moav” brought 42 Korbonos in the hope of appeasing Hashem to curse Bnei Yisroel. Even though his intentions were evil, he was nevertheless rewarded by having “Ruth” as a descendent (See Sanhedrin 105b) 9)”He shall slaughter it at the north side of the Mizbeiach” QUESTION: A burnt offering (Olah) and a sin offering (Chattas) are Shechted on the north side of the Mizbeiach, a Peace offering (Shlomim) may be slaughtered anywhere in the courtyard…When in history were all Korbonos Shechted on the north side? ANSWER: The Gemora states (Sotah 48a) that during the time of Yochanan Kohen Gadol (he lived during the 100 year rule of the Chashmonoim, during the second B.H. He was a Grandson of the “Macabees”. He was righteous for 80 years until he succumbed to the ways of the Saudecees) built rings to hold the animals during the shechitah of the north side of the Mizbeiach and from then on all Korbonos, including “Kodshim Kalim” (Lighter Kedusha, ex. Sholomim) were shechted there along with the “Kodesh Kodashim” (Higher Kedusha, ex. Olah) 10) QUESTION: A) Why were none of the Menochos allowed to be Chometz, except for the 2 BREADS of Shavuos that had to be Chometz? B) Why was no honey allowed to be mixed with the Meal Offering (Mincha) and on Shavuos we brought Honey (dates) with the Bikurim ? ANSWER: There were 5 types of grain Offerings, 2 were baked ;2 were fried and one was brought as dough, all were from wheat and none were from Barley (Except the Minchas Omer and Sotah) The Kli Yokor explains (2:11) that Chometz represents the Yetzer Horah and Honey represents his desires. For one to become closer to Hashem, one must curtail the desires of the Yetzer Horah and therefore Chometz and honey were banned. On Shavuos however, since we celebrate the giving of the Torah, we Must Bring Chometz, for the Torah is the antidote for the Yetzer Horah and on the contrary, we must bring the Y.H. to the Beis Medrash and once we get out Y.H. to commit to Torah, then our desires (honey) become the desires of Torah. 11) “On all your offerings shall you offer salt”…QUESTION: Why was salt added to every Korban? ANSWER: On the 2nd day of creation Hashem separated the upper waters from the lower waters. The lower waters complained, saying it wanted to be closer to Hashem. As a result of that Hashem promised them that their water will be poured on the Mizbeiach every Sukkos and their salt will be offered with every Korban. The salt used for Korbonos was from the Yam Hamelech (Melech Sedomis) and the water poured on Sukkos was from the well of the Shiloach. The salt gets more recognition on the Mizbeiach (every day) then the water of Shiloach (one week a year) for the salt represent the Ba’al Teshuvah, who often times has to go through a bitter transformation to keep Torah, while the sweet waters of the Shiloach represent Tzadikim. The effort of the B.T. is greater then theTzadik and therefore more appreciated by Hashem. NOTE: Our dining table is like the Mizbeiach, therefore we place salt on the table and dip the bread in the salt before eating it. (See Tosfos Berachos 39b) 12) “The sons of Ahron shall put fire on the Mizbeiach”…Even though a fire descended from heaven, there is still a mitzvah to make an ordinary fire (Rashi) QUESTION: Did this heavenly fire descend every day? ANSWER: A heavenly fire descended in the time of Moshe Rabbeinu and remained burning on the Mizbeiach in the form of a hot coal shaped like a lion throughout the first Beis Hamikdash until the wicked king Menashe (Mentioned earlier in Q. # 5) took off the burning coal from the Mizbeiach. In the second B.H. the fire returned, but this time it was shaped like a dog. The Maharsha (Yuma 21a) explains that the 1st B.H. was built by Shlomo Hamelech from the tribe of Yehudah, who is likened to a lion, while the 2nd B.H. was built by the king of Persia (After the story of Purim) who are likened to a dog… 13)” The Kohen shall bring the dove to the Mizbeiach and perform Melikah” QUESTION: Why does the Melikah have to be done by the Kohen while the Shechitah may be done by an Israelite? ANSWER: The Melikah was done on the Mizbeiach (since the bird was so small the kohen needed to be on the Mizbeiach in order to place the blood on the wall of the Mizbeiach) and an Israelite is not allowed on it. The shechitah was done across the Mizbeiach on the northern side and an Israelite may go there for the shchitah. 14)”The kohen shall scoop 3 fingers full of fine flour” QUESTION: How does the law of “Kemitzah” relate to the story of Purim? ANSWER: When Haman went looking for Mordechai to take him for a ride on Achashveirosh’s horse, he found him teaching the laws of Kemitzah to the sages (For that day was the 16th of Nissan, the day they would have brought the Korban Omer in the B.H….So Mordechai was teaching the laws of Kemitzah, just like we learn the laws of Korbonos). After inquiring from Mordechai about the Kemitzah, he said “A fistful of your flour has prevented what 10,000 kikor of my silver would have done” (See Megilah 16a) NOTE: The first feast of Ester took place on the 2nd day of Pesach (the 16th of Nissan) the actual victory of the war was 11 month later on the 13th of Adar. 15) QUESTION: Which sage of the Mishnah inadvertently violated Shaboss and promised to bring a “stout Chatas” when the Beis Hamikdash will be built? ANSWER: The Gemora (Shaboss 12b) relates how Reb Yishmael Ben Elisha inadvertently tilted the oil lamp on Shaboss and wrote down on his ledger that he will bring a Korban Chatas when the B.H. will be built. NOTE: He is the same Reb Yishmael of the Braisa of Reb Yishmael that we say before Shachris, a grandson of the famous Reb Yishmael Kohen Gadol who blessed Hashen in the holy of holies on Yom Kippur. NOTE #2- The Ben ish Chai adds, Based on the opinion of Rava (Menochos 110a) that engaging in the study Korbonos is superior then the actual Korbon, Reb Yishmael who was a great scholar did not have to bring a Korbon, since his study of Torah was greater than the Korbon. Nevertheless Reb Yishmael wanted to bring the Korbon, he therefore wrote it down on his ledger as a reminder, so that he should not fulfill his obligation of the korbon through his learning and every time he learned he would remind himself of that by looking at his ledger. NOTE # 3- When Dovid Hamelech was told by Hashem that he would die on a Shaboss, he asked that he die a day earlier on Friday (so not to disturb the Shaboss) Hashem answered him “1 day of your Torah study is worth more than a thousand burnt offerings that your son Shlomo will bring”… (See Shaboss 30a) 16) “If he offers a sheep…he shall offer the entire tail… QUESTION: How was the tail of a sheep used to solve a crime by a sage of the Mishnah? ANSWER: Unlike the goat and the bull, the tail of a lamb is offered on the Mizbiach along with other “chailev” (Fats). Once a gentile bragged to Reb Yehudah Ben Bsaira (Towards the ends of the 2nd B.H.) That he pretended to be jewish and participated in the Korbon Pesach. The next year, Reb Yehudah, (who did not live in Israel and was not going up to Yerushalayim for Pesach) advised the gentile to ask for the “Alyah” (The tail) for his portion. The sages immediately realized that something was wrong with this guy, for everyone knew the Alyah is not eaten, so they asked him why he wanted the Alyha and he answered that Ren Yehudah told him to ask for it, so they understood that Reb Yehuda was sending them a message about this guy. They looked into him and realized he was a gentile and took care of him. We mention this, for Mr. Mendy and Reb Colaiv learned this Gemora (Pesachim 3b) 4 years ago in the Best “Daled Mem” Mesivta of Coral Springs! GOOD SHABOSS…60 DAYS OF JOY! “BIZCHUS HAKORBONOS”!!
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 13:44:00 +0000

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