RECEIVED FROM DIANE MOFFITT: RESPONSE TO SCUT LETTER FROM “COALITION OF CONCERNED PROPERTY OWNERS OF VALLE HERMOSA” Well neighbors, just when you think people can’t sink any lower into the gutter, a character assassination letter arrives in the homeowners’ mailbox from allegedly the “Coalition of Concerned Property Owners of Valle Hermosa”. However, know that the letter was specifically written by Sharon McComb. I find it so vile and so full of lies, and so like Sharon McComb. I have no choice but to pursue a slander suit against her and her cohorts. I had already met with the Chief of Police months back filling him in on the shenanigans taking place in Valle Hermosa. This vile letter and my response will be shared with Chief Brown and the Mayor. It’s not a coincidence that this letter comes just weeks before the election. It screams of FEAR that Diane Moffitt might win a position on the board and run a legitimate Association FOR the people. She might also pursue legal recourse against McComb and the past and current board members for abusing the HOA funds to pay an attorney to viciously attack me and other homeowners for questioning the boards conduct, excessive fines and/or calling-out the board’s negligence. I think the lack of attendance in open board meetings, the many abandoned homes, and angry homeowner’s refusal to pay their annual dues speaks volumes of the sweeping discontent with McComb, Kennedy, O’Brien, Adamache and Beck. I am not alone in my opinions of the past and current board members’ abuses. But I’m seeking a position on the board and they are running scared. Therefore, I have chosen to respond to their very ugly letter. SELF APPOINTED COMPLIANCE ADVISOR WITH ANOTHER HOA: I was personally asked by the CFO of another HOA where I rented a home, to help him understand the rules re his fellow board members taking monies from the reserve accounts for their personal use. That HOA did not spend a penny because of me. There was NEVER a threat of a lawsuit inasmuch as I was a renter with no standing in the community. Additionally, I was not forced to move from the community. I lived there 4 years until I purchased my home in Valle Hermosa. McComb’s claims are again fabricated lies. Furthermore, not once have I said I was a paralegal. I said I had taken a paralegal course and had a one year externship in a law office. I have a diverse background. I was also an executive assistant to a world renown heart surgeon, a travel manager for Miss USA/Miss Universe and a medical office administrator, just to name a few. CLAIMS OF DIGGING THROUGH HOA FILES: McComb claims that when I joined the board in 2010 I dug through everyone’s files and used the information to do background checks on them. Again, another blatant lie. When I was asked by McComb to join the board, her first remark was “we were so sure you were on Bill Romine’s team, we were reluctant to use you”. I NEVER sought to claim ‘embezzlement” against Mr. Romine. It was McComb who first said that Romine was known to take bribes from contractors. I asked both McComb and Kennedy if they had done an audit on the books inasmuch as one had not been done for several years. They said “No”, and that there were “no records to use for an audit, because Bill Romine had removed all receipts and financial documents from the office when he left”. I specifically stated that they, at the very least, owed Mr. Romine an opportunity to explain where the documents were. They did not agree. The only item I was able to inspect was the HOA checkbook and it only went back a couple of years. I did not dig through anyone’s files, not even my own. Nor did I run background checks on anyone. I only handled files that pertained to the 40 under-aged complaints that I was put in charge of - that had not been addressed for over a year. I had only been in the office a few times during my short tenure. In-fact, I was so careful not to indulge into the inter-sanctum of the HOA business that I refused to have a key or the password to the computer, as I was warned of McComb’s propensity to lie or throw others under the bus. Thus, I insured my integrity in not being accused of impropriates with office materials or information. Sharon McComb reared her ugly head and has proven the warning to be valid. After I resigned from the board, and election time arrived, Sharon McComb suggested a letter be written to Bill Romine to scare him and discourage him from running. I have those emails saved. I went along with her idea to see how far she would carry out this unsavory attempt. She typed up the letter and emailed it to me starting off with “It should say something like this..”. I copied and mailed it off to Mr. Romine, and subsequently sent Mr. Romine a copy and message that the letter was authored by Sharon McComb. I have the original emails from McComb, with a follow up email from her stating that we should have waited for a later day to send the letter to insure Romine could not run. Per Mr. Romine, he met with Kennedy and McComb about the letter and McComb denied any knowledge of it. CRITICIZING EXCESSIVE FINES AND DUES: I will admit, and am not ashamed that I am crucial of the increase in title transfers, annual dues, and fines for age verifications. This community has sustained itself for 30+ years without an increase in annual dues. I do feel the office staff, who have always been friends of McCombs are draining the HOA of its monies, not to mention the abuse of using attorneys for most correspondence. Furthermore, the board has yet to provide a comprehensive annual financial report to the owners to legitimize the increases in dues and fines. Valle Hermosa appears to be in the business of keeping McCombs’ friends employed. CLAIMS OF SUING NEIGHBORS: McComb claims I sued a 90 year old neighbor over trees. This is another ridiculous and litigious lie. No lawsuit has ever been filed against a tree owner. Hopefully McComb will have documents for said lawsuit to share with me and my attorney. The lawsuit regarding the Seller of my home is an egregious breach of my personal business and confidentiality, and will be addressed by my attorney. I had good cause to sue the Seller. In court, she admitted she lied about everything in the Disclosure Statement, and the court ruled in my favor. McComb was not in the courtroom during this hearing. However, I had a witness with me who can verify that the “commissioner” (not a judge) DID NOT express any opinion in any manner about my claim. A NEIGHBOR HIRED A PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR: McComb claims that a neighbor had to hire a private investigator to install a surveillance camera on their home to obtain evidence for a restraining order. This ‘neighbor’ would have to be Donna Smith. However, as you read further into this letter you will find that it is the same neighbor depicted in: CLAIMS OF HARRASSMENT OF AN ELDER: McComb claims I harassed an elderly “caregiver” and wrote vile and threatening letters to her and to nearby neighbors. Not to mention the other ridiculous remarks I am accused of. First let me share with you that the “caregiver” was a “live-in” and is Donna Thelma Smith. A known gyspy who has lived with men she did not know for the last 35 years. I have an email from Joyce McNew claiming this and Mr. Andrews has confirmed this to be true. And he did not install a surveillance system in his home. Smith resided with John Andrews for 8 years on Corona Street. This is also the “neighbor” McComb claims I allegedly presented a “huge bill” to for a legal letter I wrote for her. Smith and Lisa Wagner were complaining over a fence an owner had installed at her Corona Street rental. I can charge for my work, but I have never charged anyone for typing a legal letter. I cut all ties with Smith after providing the letter when I learned she was using it to bring a lawsuit against the fence owner and the HOA. The board threatened this same owner and attempted to force her to remove the fence. The owner brought in her attorney and the fence remains intact. Upon my cutting ties with Smith, she became angry and went about the community slandering me and making false allegations. She had turned everyone on Corona Street against me with her lies and false allegations. I wrote Mr. Andrews asking him to have her stop this behavior. Smith complained about everything and everyone. As McComb will recall, my first day on the board with Kennedy and McComb - we received a poorly written letter from Smith complaining about me and a new renter. Smith then took me to court attempting to get a restraining order against me for “elder abuse” because I was writing letters to Mr. Andrews. Letters were also written to neighbors I knew to be participating in Smith’s retaliation tactics against me. In the court hearing, the judge advised Smith that there was not an ounce of evidence of threats, abuse or any other misconduct on my part and ruled against a TRO. The judge NEVER ordered me to “Cease & Desist” as McComb claims. I have the transcripts of that hearing as evidence. Out of anger for not being able to get a TRO against me, Smith poisoned my pup which had to be euthanized and I was forced to hire an attorney to warn Ms. Smith to stay away from me and my home or a lawsuit would commence. A “No Trespassing” sign was installed immediately at my home. What is more disturbing is that McComb is a now staunch supporter of Donna Smith. Much of the information in the ugly smear campaign letter contain many of the untruthful words of Donna Smith, who has a long history of this type of conduct. In-fact, to speak to her lack of character, Mr. Andrews recently suffered a stroke and Smith abandoned him in a hospital, not bothering to notify his family of his whereabouts. She returned to his home and stole everything he owned, forged his name on his checks, and illegally used his credit cards. I have been in constant contact with Mr. Andrews and his family and he is pressing charges against Smith to the fullest extent of the law and I have agreed to testify on his behalf. Joyce McNew got involved with Smith and the Andrews family when they came to the house to confront Smith. Therefore, Sharon McCombs’ ludicrous fabrication of this incident speaks to her ignorance of these matters and of her glee in slandering and harassing others. CLAIMS OF HARRASSMENT OF RENTER: As to the renter McComb claims I harassed and was forced to move out, the renter was the other tortured resident included in Smith’s complaint letter to the board that also referenced me. This and another renter on Corona Street confided in me that they were threatened by Smith and Lisa Wagner upon their move-in to not have anything to do with me or they would be sorry. Neither moved out by my doing as I did not interact with them. The first renter moved because she could no longer afford the rent and Leo’s house rented within weeks. The second renter in another unit moved out without notice. The owner rented the unit immediately to a friend of hers, whom I am now also friends with. That owner recently paid me a visit complaining about the board members. ALLEGATIONS REGARDING GARY BECK: Mr. Beck is related to Jeanne Adamache, who is said to be related to Tom Vittetow. All who served on the board together. I requested a meeting with the board to discuss why they were not enforcing certain CC&R’s, specifically live-ins and dog leash laws. I had had numerous conversations with an animal control officer who had previously been in a heated debate with McComb over who wasn’t doing their job. In my attempt to share with the board that both Brian Nakamura, Hemet’s CM, and Jeff Sheppard, President of Ramona AC confirmed the leash laws with me, when Mr. Beck abruptly interrupted the conversation - gruffly stating that “I’m a former cop, I know the laws”. I felt this to be an inappropriate attempt to intimidate me. I later contacted Hemet Police Department and spoke with officer Davis. I told him of the incident and asked if this was inappropriate conduct of an ex police officer. It was. Officer Davis suggested I contacted the city where Beck was allegedly an officer and assured me it was legal to do this, that it was “public information”. I called the City of Ione and was informed that Mr. Beck was never a police officer for the 15-18 years he had lived there. He was an automotive repair instructor at the Ione correctional facility. This apparently caused embarrassment for Mr. Beck who then, alleged fear for himself and his family and had the HOA attorney write me a threatening letter, paid for out of your HOA dues. My response to Mr. Beck, the board and the attorney was… that if Beck was truly in fear for himself and his family he should STOP telling people he’s a former police officer. Furthermore, Beck did not move out of Valle Hermosa because of this incident. His house has been empty and on and off the market for the last 2 ½ years. He can be found easily by typing his name into Google. For McComb or Beck to assert that he has fear of me contacting the hundreds, if not thousands of prisoners he may have dealt with years ago is insane and a trumped up story from cowards. NO TRESPASSING SIGN: Yes, there is a “No Trespassing” sign clearly posted in my front yard. I choose not to have papers left on my door or allow anyone access after having my dog poisoned. I contacted Hemet Police and asked what my rights were in regards to the sign being posted. She stated that if someone violates the trespass sign, I have a right to defend my property or myself. I then asked what my recourse was if I caught someone trespassing, I asked, “am I allowed to beat the hell out of them,” she laughed and she said “yes”. For McComb to be so petty to make an issue out of my no trespassing sign and having the Messenger mailed to me, shows further intent to make something out of nothing. I pay my dues and the 46 cents it requires to send it by mail is the least I’m getting for my money. NUMEROUS ATTACKS ON THE HOA: What McComb calls attacks on the board members are actually “inquiries” or “Notices” in regard to the misconduct or negligence of the board. For example, in July 2011 the board lost Valle Hermosa’s corporate status due to unpaid taxes. The Franchise Tax Board advised me that “business as usual must cease until the earned income taxes are paid and a Reviver form is submitted and the status is reinstated by them”. I monitored the suspension for 5 months. I even requested copies of the documents the FTB was waiting for, to give the board a hint that a Reviver form hadn’t been submitted. At this same time, the $1.2 million dollar wall was being discussed. A committee was formed by me and Dian Burris. She recruited at least a dozen men and women to join the group and after two meetings I dropped off. Upon learning of the suspension, both Dian Burris and monitored it. After several months, I contacted an attorney and at his advice we served a Cease & Desist Demand upon the board, of which Dian Burris obtained a dozen signatures of owners to support it, saying they’d “sign anything if it meant getting rid of McComb, Kennedy and Adamache”, per Dian Burris. While the courts aren’t as strict about the business as usual aspect during a suspension, they are very much adamant about hiding of the income during those suspension months. If you look at your August 2011 thru December 2011 Messenger, you will not see income for those 5 months. However, in January’s 2012 Messenger, showing Year End Financials for 2011, you will now see income for those months. The board was hiding the income. As stated in the Calif Corp Codes, it is punishable by law to distribute “False Financials to the Members”. All owners are privileged to this information and it should have been shared with them. This discovery and serving of a C&D triggered retaliation against me and other committee members. McComb approached two signees and chastised them, calling them “stupid” for signing it. The two owners contacted Dian Burris and shared their fear with her and subsequently moved out of Valle Hermosa. I issued a letter to McComb suggesting she stop threatening the elders of VH, a copy was provided to Hemet Police. This was followed by my receipt of more than 2 dozen bills for magazines I had not subscribed to. I shared the incident with Hemet Police and was advised to make a report with the Postmaster General and they suggested I file a report with the FBI. The handwriting was matched to two known individuals. I will not delve into the other petty remarks about my feelings toward Mayor Youssef or comments on my Facebook page. I am entitled to my opinions and Facebook is designed to express oneself. I now have legal recourse against McComb and company’s slanderous remarks and allegations of me in black and white. The board used your HOA monies again to pay a corrupt attorney to contact Facebook and have my First Amendment Rights trampled on and remove my opinions and first-hand encounters with the VH board. While another Facebook page remarking about the corruption with VH board goes unscathed. And the board used your monies to mail you their disgusting letter. This depicts the childish and false sense of self importance that McComb and the other impose upon VH owners. McComb also joined the ROCS committee to sidle up to Mayor Youssef in hopes to cover her backside for all of the unlawful conduct perpetrated against Valle Hermosa members that was shared with the Police Dept. and the city council. Many people left the ROCS committee claiming they could not work with McComb or Groff. Finally, I want it known that I resigned from the board in 2010 after only 6 weeks due to Kennedy’s incompetence, and her reluctance to send out letters to address the 40+ under-aged complaints that had not been worked on for more than a year. Also, it was clear that Kennedy knew nothing of managing an HOA and that McComb appeared to be running things. They were making up rules as they saw fit, not complying to the CC&R’s and Bylaws, as evidence with the million dollar wall, violation of increases in annual dues and fines, and abusing their authority with HOA monies. After I resigned, I was asked by McComb if I would reconsider and stay on the board. Because a dozen or more had come and gone due to the inability to work with the two, I declined. Kennedy was humiliated by every resignation. I did not want to be associated with their shady business practices. In closing, if you choose to believe the hateful garbage in McCombs letter, endorsed by Norma O’Brien, Ana Reynaud, and William New, then you will continue to see Valle Hermosa decline. However, you now have first-hand knowledge of the low caliber of people that are and will be running the HOA if you elect them. If you haven’t learned over the last 3 years how the lowest common denominator, being McComb- and now her trainees, have neglected you and your community, then nothing will ever change for the better in Valle Hermosa. Respectfully submitted, Diane Moffitt Cc: Robert Youssef, Mayor Dave Brown, Hemet Police Chief Valle Hermosa Residents
Posted on: Sun, 16 Jun 2013 11:56:20 +0000

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